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Archives: Blogs

Exponent II Blog is a feminist forum for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum.


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Virtual Oases, February 18

Patricia K offers a compelling review of Terry Tempest Williams’ latest book Suzie Petunia: Mormons, Yoga, Culture Teaching “Eternal Families” — another great post at

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Zenaida Viperidae

For the last two years, I have been struggling with my own “crisis of faith.” I am still wading through the morass of doubt and

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i live a very secure life. i have my moments of personal insecurity–as many as most, a few less than some, a few more than

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Virtual Oases, February 9

Jana’s interview with Laurel Thatcher Ulrich! Sunstone’s call for stories/memories of President Hinckley Michelle Obama visits church headquarters BiV: Temple initiatories from a faithful feminist

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