Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-11-06
Former Utah Gov'r Olean Walker on women's education: http://t.co/5T82tMQc # ZD's Lynnette takes on Hudson's Two Trees. http://t.co/n6FINgj6 # Powered by Twitter Tools
Exponent II Blog is a feminist forum for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum.
Former Utah Gov'r Olean Walker on women's education: http://t.co/5T82tMQc # ZD's Lynnette takes on Hudson's Two Trees. http://t.co/n6FINgj6 # Powered by Twitter Tools
by Mrs. X I am not a codependent. What is a codependent? It is an insulting stereotype, cleverly disguised in psychobabble, tossed at unfortunate women
In Matthew we can find the account of a Lawyer (those darn lawyers) tempting Jesus, asking Him which is the #1, most important commandment. Jesus
Looking forward to the Savior’s Second Coming The people at the time of Christ were familiar with prophesies about Christ, but they were sometimes confused,
Most usually for the conference/teacher’s choice messages, I focus on a single talk that strikes me as relevant. Sometimes, including this month, I make a
Guest Post by ZD Eve Introduction I might begin this lesson by making the point that judgment is a part of a life. We’re judged
There’s a brouhaha going on in my town over early morning seminary. I’ll get to the details in a minute, but I want to first
by Libby (On a three-child-induced career sabbatical, Libby spends her time sewing lavish Halloween costumes, reading, and volunteering on the board of her daughter’s cooperative
Last week, we asked you, dear readers, for some polling ideas. One of the first was about the order of the Sunday block program. I
Written by Women: http://t.co/yRSkRwjv # 10 Things Men Can Do to Stop Human Trafficking: http://t.co/c7bcZDI2 # Powered by Twitter Tools
Exponent II provides feminist forums for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum to share their diverse life experiences in an atmosphere of trust and acceptance. Through these exchanges, we strive to create a community to better understand and support each other.