Book Review Series: First Principles and Ordinances
This was an unusual book for me to review. First off, our own Rachel had already done a review of it. Secondly, my own physical
Exponent II Blog is a feminist forum for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum.
This was an unusual book for me to review. First off, our own Rachel had already done a review of it. Secondly, my own physical
Nancy Ross is a professor of art history at Dixie State University. She is interested in contemporary Mormon feminism and is currently writing a memoir
A little over a year ago Deseret Book released Girls Who Choose God: Stories of Courageous Women from the Bible. Â I reviewed it here. Â Now,
Guest Post by Nicola Nicola is a UK-born (currently) Gospel Doctrine teacher, who lives in Australia. She likes sleeping when possible, and spending time at the beach,
Traducción española/Click for Spanish Translation Translation generously provided by Denisse Gómez. Before you start, be mindful of any new converts you might have in the class
Here at the Exponent, we love books! And we love Christmas! So today we are introducing the first-ever Exponent Book Review Series and Cyber-Monday Giveaway.
By: Adrianne  (Knitting enthusiast. Sometimes writer of thoughts.) Wheat and Tares A coal has burned into my heart Tearing more than me apart. I do
Preface I taught Relief Society this Sunday, with a fully broken heart. It was extremely painful, but it was also moving, to be vulnerable before
This past week has been difficult for me and for most of the people I love, including my family and friends who do not necessarily
This is a picture of myself as a young child, smiling next to a piano at my Mormon grandparents’ house. At the time, I was
Exponent II provides feminist forums for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum to share their diverse life experiences in an atmosphere of trust and acceptance. Through these exchanges, we strive to create a community to better understand and support each other.