Guest Post: The Tale of Three Journals
Guest Post by Louise Hammel. Louise Hammel is a septuagenarian who lives by the sea. She keeps a journal of questions that no one can
Exponent II Blog is a feminist forum for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum.
Guest Post by Louise Hammel. Louise Hammel is a septuagenarian who lives by the sea. She keeps a journal of questions that no one can
Originally published in the Summer 2015 issue Global Zion feature of Exponent II Magazine, the Exponent is pleased to reprint this article by Ukrainian Latter-day Saint
(Exponent blogger April Young-Bennett was less enthused.) Read the full article: Women’s session to return at LDS General Conference — ‘Hooray,’ says feminist poet
I am a member of the Relief Society Presidency and a few weeks ago we got an assignment from the Bishopric to “think of someone
In 1973, Mormon author Carol Lynn Pearson’s feature article for the ‘Ensign’ magazine was pulled at the last minute, and she was banned from writing
I had planned to write a Lenten music post because Ash Wednesday is coming up this week. However, with the recent Russian attack on Ukraine,
Guest post by Susannah Clarke Taylor. Susannah Clarke Taylor has degrees in English and Theatre and is a lover of all things family history, theatre,
My views on the world and issues I care about have changed greatly, especially in the past ten years. I used to eschew the term
Guest post by Eleanor Adams. Eleanor is a freelance writer, reluctant yogi, part-time van dweller, and much funnier in real life. Find her on her
Guest Post by Anonymous. Anonymous is a single woman in the church who recently vacationed in Hawai’i where she dreamed vividly of a sacred and
Exponent II provides feminist forums for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum to share their diverse life experiences in an atmosphere of trust and acceptance. Through these exchanges, we strive to create a community to better understand and support each other.