Sacrament Talk 2.0
omen haven’t been theologians? This was not true at the time Elder Maxwell wrote it, and it isn’t true now. What is true, however, is
Exponent II Blog is a feminist forum for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum.
omen haven’t been theologians? This was not true at the time Elder Maxwell wrote it, and it isn’t true now. What is true, however, is
The dress was white with blue flowers. It was a simple long shift dress in standard late nineties fashion, with a slight cling and wide
A couple years back, after dipping my toes back in the dating pond following the death of my grandmother, I encountered a young man who
And as I chatted with younger leaders (basically anyone under 50) from different places in the hallways, at meals, and between sessions, the feelings of
April is National Poetry Month and I didn’t want this month to get by without sharing some new-to-me poetry by Joseph Smith.
Whether you come whole or in pieces
your offering is needed..
How can women be full partners
when men will not promote them from associates?
How can women organize
when men must authorize
I was plucking my eyebrows one morning last fall when she walked into the bathroom. “Mom, does that hurt?” she asked with big eyes. I
“Why don’t you just leave?”
Put aside unity, put aside reconciliation, even put aside forgiveness—Ruttenberg’s book calls us to full, complete, no-asterisks, victim-focused repentance. That may result in any of
Exponent II provides feminist forums for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum to share their diverse life experiences in an atmosphere of trust and acceptance. Through these exchanges, we strive to create a community to better understand and support each other.