All In Favor, Please Manifest It
I’ve heard that phrase about a million times in my life. Every time someone is called to any position of leadership, teaching, or service in
Exponent II Blog is a feminist forum for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum.
I’ve heard that phrase about a million times in my life. Every time someone is called to any position of leadership, teaching, or service in
From our archive: Will There Be Polygamy In the Next Life? I Think Not http://t.co/DToT64SN #marriage # From our archive: The Limit of Words http://t.co/HqrZaUE2
It’s easy for Mormons to scoff at elderly, celibate Catholic bishops making decisions about birth control for married Catholics, but I’m afraid our own GAs
My temple recommend interview is coming up. One question that always confuses me is: are you honest in your dealings with your fellow men? I
Tomorrow is her first birthday, and she hasn’t gotten a fire ant bite yet. Â That’s something of a miracle given the menacing mounds that keep
From our archive: Invitational Versus Traditional Rhetoric http://t.co/GuvX2Kdn #women # From our archive: Enrichment Potluck http://t.co/HUIYOLNt # From our archive: On Becoming the Barking Mom
mr. mraynes recently received a calling in our ward that necessitated his advancing in the priesthood to the office of high priest. my husband is
Ten years ago, my wedding photographer made sure that we had all of the usual snapshots—including the traditional close-up of the couple’s hands, showing off
by Sartawi (Sartawi is a BYU-educated nurse and a world-educated woman. Her life’s work is to help women of all cultures reach their full potential,
by Descent (Descent blogs at http://jenneology.blogspot.com. She is a mostly stay at home mother to three young children 5 and under. While they sleep, she
Exponent II provides feminist forums for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum to share their diverse life experiences in an atmosphere of trust and acceptance. Through these exchanges, we strive to create a community to better understand and support each other.