Men Have Priesthood, Women Have Motherhood
by Spunky Spunky is a busy post-graduate who enjoys Exponent II and Church women’s history when not obsessing with research associated with her study. She is married,
Exponent II Blog is a feminist forum for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum.
by Spunky Spunky is a busy post-graduate who enjoys Exponent II and Church women’s history when not obsessing with research associated with her study. She is married,
Guest post by Jessawhy‘s husband, Markawhy About a year ago my wife, Jessawhy, and I were discussing some of the finer points of Mormon feminism
This is the outline that I would follow if I were teaching the lesson. I have a personal theory that every lesson is, at root,
I only have four pages left in my current journal. (I really don’t like the term ‘journal‘ but neither ‘sketchbook‘ nor ‘scrapbook‘ really fit either.
A round-up of LDS women’s voices on the Web, and other links of interest. Today (Saturday, August 7), you can hear the Exponent II panel
Have any of you ever found yourself saying something that you know will come back and bite you in the butt? This is me. A
by Kelly Ann For this lesson, I have made a list of questions (some taken from the lesson itself) to help stimulate thought prior to
A round-up of LDS women’s voice on the web, and other links of interest. Heather has posted ten dispatches at Mormon Mommy Wars, chronicling her
A dear friend of mine recently published an article in the Huffington Post about Mormon Pioneers. In one small line, she summed up something I
by Anonymous There are moments in everyone’s life that are turning points. I had one of those during those difficult few months of the Prop
Exponent II provides feminist forums for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum to share their diverse life experiences in an atmosphere of trust and acceptance. Through these exchanges, we strive to create a community to better understand and support each other.