Coming Up for Air
Coming Up for Air I. My little sister may not win her battle with cancer. She says God asked her, Will you take a bullet
Exponent II Blog is a feminist forum for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum.
Coming Up for Air I. My little sister may not win her battle with cancer. She says God asked her, Will you take a bullet
by Lori Davis Fairly often, I read a blog expressing outrage about the message women and girls learn at church: women have no value outside
by Liz Johnson My grandmother is dying. Her cancer is incurable, and has spread to the degree that she has been given mere months to
by Jenny “What day is your daughter going to get baptized?” It’s an innocent question, but it rips at my heart a little more
I didn’t ask the woman at the door of the tabernacle if I could come to the priesthood session. Elder Oaks had already answered my
During the 2008 Prop 8 campaign in California, I was having a hard time with the Church. Never had I been so upset with my
500+ Mormon women and male allies joined together to unequivocally call for complete equality and the ordination of Mormon women by peacefully standing in the
The visiting teaching messages of the past many months have all focused on one or two aspects of Jesus Christ’s role. This month, the focus
I learned to pray from my parents, not that I remember it. I don’t remember my first prayer any more than I remember my first
Like Mraynes, I was eager to experience the first LDS Women’s meeting, and was curious to see how the wider audience would be addressed. I
Exponent II provides feminist forums for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum to share their diverse life experiences in an atmosphere of trust and acceptance. Through these exchanges, we strive to create a community to better understand and support each other.