Exponent II
Exponent II

A feminist forum for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum

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Board and Volunteer Opportunities

Current Exponent II Board

President: Lori LeVar Pierce
Treasurer: Jeanine Bean
Vice-President/Secretary: Lindsay Denton
Members: Carol Ann Litster Young, Rachel Rueckert, Heather Sundahl, Andee Bowden, Jessica Gray, Nancy Ross, Natasha Rogers

Emeritus Board Members: Barbara Christiansen, Emily Clyde Curtis, Nancy Dredge, Judy Dushku, Aimee Evans Hickman, Linda Hoffman Kimball, Deborah Farmer Kris, Caroline Kline, Margaret Hemming Olsen, and Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

Volunteer Opportunities at Exponent II Magazine, Blog, or Retreat

We are always excited to have energetic new volunteers! If you love our work and want to be more involved with Exponent II, please contact us and we will match your skill set and desire to help with our current needs.

Become a Permablogger for Exponent II

To become a permablogger, submit your first guest post on the blog.