Picture of Jana
Jana is a university administrator and teaches History. Her soloblog is

Friday Photo Feature: Jessawhy

This Photo Feature welcomes one of our new ExII permabloggers (Zenaida, our other new perma, posted yesterday).

Friday Photo Feature: Jessawhy

From Jessawhy:
I’m an Arizona native with a bachelor’s degree from BYU. I loved my time there, and met my husband during our sophomore year in Astronomy class. We’ve been married 7.5 years and have 3 sons, whom I will refer to by their nicknames (we do call them by these names, if you can believe it) 5 yo Tadpole, 2 yo Turtle, and 3 mo Twinkie.
I love blogging, and have been hanging around since November of 2006. I still remember when I found this like-minded online community, I started singing and leaping through the house, I was so excited.
Exponent II has impressed me with the breadth of topics they cover and the depth of issues they post about. I met EmilyCC at a bloggersnacker last August and we have been good friends ever since. She invited me to guest post and I really loved it. I’m excited about posting more topics and hearing more from many of my new friends here at ExII.
Friday Photo Feature: Jessawhy

Friday Photo Feature: Jessawhy
The pictures are of my family. The first three are of our little Twinkie, one is me holding his feet, the next two I took, of him at 2 weeks, then 2 months.
Friday Photo Feature: Jessawhy

Then there’s one of my crazy Tadpole. Next is a picture I took of my husband and two oldest overlooking Lake Havasu during Thanksgiving break. I used a focal black and white effect that makes it look surreal. Last is an multiple exposure shot of me and Turtle at his second birthday party. We gave him a bubble machine and he was chasing them, then running into my arms. I love the pictures separately, but think they look neat together. It reminds me that as a parent we have to let our children go, but sometimes we’re lucky enough to have them come back and give us a big hug.
I hope that’s how God see us as well.

Friday Photo Feature: Jessawhy

Friday Photo Feature: Jessawhy

Jana is a university administrator and teaches History. Her soloblog is

10 Responses

  1. Congratulations, Jessawhy! ExII has made a great acquisition. It’s nice to see you’ve found a home on the Bloggernacle–I’ll look forward to reading what you have to say.

  2. Congratulations! I’m excited to read your posts here because I’ve always enjoyed your comments everywhere I’ve seen you. And what a great place. I love ExII!

    And great pictures! I love cute kid pictures (although of course my own are my favorites 🙂 ).

  3. yeah jessawhy!

    btw… you do great stuff with the camera, these are beautiful pictures! are you one of the members in the ex2 flickr group?

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