February 2015 Visiting Teaching Message: The Attributes of Jesus Christ: Without Sin
Traduction en français/Click for French Translation Let’s be real. Any discussion of sin makes me uncomfortable. Sure, we all sin. But because we all do
Exponent II Blog is a feminist forum for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum.
Traduction en français/Click for French Translation Let’s be real. Any discussion of sin makes me uncomfortable. Sure, we all sin. But because we all do
The timing of this book review is in recognition of New Zealand’s annual Waitangi Day on 6 February. Waitangi Day, in summarised and abridged terms,
When I was four, we lived in an apartment complex that divided a gingerbread house neighborhood and a ramshackle, riverbank neighborhood – one with neat
by Astell My 4-year-year old daughter asked at the dinner table why we don’t talk much about Mother in Heaven. Good Question. I said we
Spirit Flowers By Della Burt Spirit flowers are our lives, We move in the promise of the future. We watch the ones born unto us
La liberté de choisir, un principe éternel/ Traduction en français/Click for French Translation Traducción española por Denisse Gómez/Click for Spanish Translation I wrote a lesson
By Jenny Listening to Elder Oaks and Elder Christofferson yesterday on Trib Talk, I came to a sudden realization. I think they genuinely don’t
I used to teach piano lessons in my house. Every day after school, I had five to six kids coming in and out. These kids
Wearing pants to church. Getting shifty eyes from the RS President. Girls, we need to talk. Modesty is not only About your shoulders. Watching Conference.
I recently had a conversation about conversations. I wondered aloud if there was a (safe) place in a church-sponsored environment where members could have open,
Exponent II provides feminist forums for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum to share their diverse life experiences in an atmosphere of trust and acceptance. Through these exchanges, we strive to create a community to better understand and support each other.