Remember Breanne
Guest Post by Louise. Louise [not her real name] is a BYU graduate, former stake leader, and mother of a large family with pioneer ancestry
Exponent II Blog is a feminist forum for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum.
Guest Post by Louise. Louise [not her real name] is a BYU graduate, former stake leader, and mother of a large family with pioneer ancestry
If we cannot talk honestly about the truth of birth, whether Jesus’ or any other baby’s, and if we continue to erase and dismiss the
I vaguely knew what Advent was. When I was a child my family had a fun little Advent calendar. My own children always looked forward
I’m 42. Exactly half a lifetime ago this week (when I was 21), I went through the temple for the first time. I was
I can’t help but ask,” Why are there only two options for men?” Do we have to settle for patriarchy and its negative impacts on
Every December, I imagine missionaries breaking river ice below a midnight moon in Switzerland, making space in the frozen current for my great-great-grandmother to push
Prophets have prophesied that women will have revelations and prophecies. Yet when those revelations and prophecies are brought forward, how does the church respond? What
At its heart, Advent is also about waiting and acknowledging that the thing we are waiting for is not yet.
The entirety of our theology must be built upon a correct understanding of the nature and character of God—A god who is very much in
All my life, I had been taught we shouldn’t gossip, and I had faithfully done so. My neurodivergent mind took this rule very literally. But
Exponent II provides feminist forums for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum to share their diverse life experiences in an atmosphere of trust and acceptance. Through these exchanges, we strive to create a community to better understand and support each other.