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Archives: Blogs

Exponent II Blog is a feminist forum for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum.


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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-06-05

a powerful refutation of rape apologist & blame-the-victim mentalities: # The MoFem timeline is growing quickly: Contribute: #LDS # if you are

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-06-05

a powerful refutation of rape apologist & blame-the-victim mentalities: # The MoFem timeline is growing quickly: Contribute: #LDS # if you are

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Guest Post: Question?

by Rebecca Missel Let’s just get one thing straight. I’m not a Mormon woman. I’m Jewish. So why are you reading this on an LDS

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Peculiar Funerals for Peculiar People

Aimee lives in Baltimore, Maryland, with her husband and three children and is the co- of the Exponent II Magazine. Three weeks after my eighth

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