Past Issues

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Stranger Than Fiction
Navigating tension appears to be the heart of this open-themed collection.
A special issue celebrating 50 years of Exponent II
The Road Not Taken
Celebrating the Everyday
Table of Contents for the Art of Losing issue.
Our Spring open-theme issue.
Our "holy places" contest issue.
Table of Contents for Vol. 42 No. 2 — Fall 2022
This issue contains stories of people who were touched by a book at a poignant time in their life.
This issue is packed with examples of contributors reckoning with brave decisions.
This issue asks us to re-examine phrases we’ve heard so many times that we may have forgotten what they can actually mean.
These essays and art take us past the tiny glimpses and sound bites of headlines and social media and instead let us go a little deeper into another’s journey.
At a time when physical touch has been restricted and limited due to social distancing, what have we learned about the significance of touch as embodied souls?
We want this issue to reflect a new kind of thought about family history.
Letters speak directly....We write letters to find love... We write letters to say thank you... We write letters to make connection...
This is the first issue that began and ended during the COVID-19 era....The resulting collection of essays and art is powerful.
This magazine issue offers several different paths we might follow in keeping up our Mormon tradition of active service and hard work for a good cause.
PDFs of Past Issues

the exponent II Archive collection at

The Exponent Collection at

With help of Brigham Young University and in cooperation with, every issue of Exponent II from 1974 until three years ago is available online in full color.

Complete PDFs of Past Issues

Volume 33, Number 4 (Spring 2014)

Volume 33, Number 3 (Winter 2014)

Volume 33, Number 2 (Midwest Pilgrims guest editors, Fall 2013)

Volume 33, Number 1 (Temple Issue, Summer 2013)

Volume 32, Number 4 (Spring 2013)

Volume 32, Number 3 (Mormon Women Project guest editors, Winter 2012)

Volume 32, Number 2 (Political Issue, Fall 2012)

Volume 32, Number 1 (Summer 2012)

Volume 31, Number 4 (LGBTQ issue, Spring 2012)

Volume 31, Number 3 (Winter 2011)

Volume 31, Number 2 (fMh guest editors, Fall 2011)

Volume 31, Number 1 (Summer 2011)

Volume 30, Number 4 (Mother’s Day issue, Spring 2011)

Volume 30, Number 3 (Winter 2010)

Volume 30, Number 2 (Fall 2010)

Volume 30, Number 1 (Summer 2010)

**Volume 29, Number 2-4 do not exist**

Volume 29, Number 1 (Winter 2009) Best of the Blog

Volume 28, Number 4 (Winter 2008) Dealing with Pornography

Volume 28, Number 3 (Spring 2007)

Volume 27, Number 4

Volume 27, Number 3 Southern California Issue

Past Exponent II Articles in chronological order

Women Self-Supporting, excerpt from The Woman’s Exponent Vol. 2, No. 1 (September 1975)

Women Doctors, excerpt from The Woman’s Exponent Vol. 2, No. 1 (September 1975)

Untitled Excerpt from The Woman’s Exponent by M.A. Till Vol. 3, No. 1 (1976)

What’s a Mother to Do? by Ardith W. Walker Vol. 3, No. 1 (1976)

Easter Thoughts at Christmas by Maureen Ursenbach Beecher Vol. 3, No. 2 (Fall 1976)

Is Anybody Out There Watching? by Orma Claire Whitaker Vol. 3, No. 4 (June 1977)

Pharisees and Sinners by Laurel Thatcher Ulrich Vol. 4, No. 4 (Spring 1978)

Pioneer Day, excerpt from The Woman’s Exponent Vol. 4, No. 4 (Summer 1978)

The Phone Call by Nancy Hart Metheny Vol. 6, No. 1 (Fall 1979)

Monster in Our Midst by Cynthia Thorley Andreason (Winter 1980)

Guilt Trips by Marilyn Curtis White Vol. 10, No. 3 (Spring 1984)

Fear of Fasting by Anna Tueller Vol. 12, No. 4 (Summer 1986)

The Photograph by Susan M. Chambers Vol. 13, No. 3 (Spring 1987)

Me, Pregnant? Inconceivable! by Laurie Williams Sowby Vol. 14, No. 1 (1987)

Don’t Look to Me for Directions by Claudia W. Harris Vol. 14, No. 3 (1988)

December Departure by Annette Evans Vol. 14, No. 4 (1989)

From Victim to Survivor by Anonymous Vol. 16, No. 1 (1991)

At Temple Square by Margaret Blair Young Vol. 16, No. 3 (1991)

Embracing All of Our Sisters and Brothers (editorial) by Judy Dushku Vol. 20, No. 1 (1996)

Vacuuming the Attic by Mary B. Johnston (Fall 1999)

Strengthening Our Ward Communities by Mary Worlton Vol. 22, No. 2 (Winter 1999)

Between a Cultural Past and a Personal Present by Susan Barnson-Hayward Vol. 23, No. 3 (Spring 2000)

Invincible Summer by Dana Haight Cattani Vol. 24, No. 2 (2001)

Ward Transit by Ann Stone Vol. 26, No. 3 (Spring 2003)