Come Follow Me: Ether 12-15 “By Faith All Things Are Fulfilled”
In Ether 12, Moroni recounts a sermon by the prophet Ether about faith and hope, and then adds his own witness of faith, hope and
Exponent II Blog is a feminist forum for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum.
In Ether 12, Moroni recounts a sermon by the prophet Ether about faith and hope, and then adds his own witness of faith, hope and
In the four decades from 1984-2024, women have been allowed to preach in General Conference in contrast to all but a few exceptions in prior
The realization that the true threat to women’s well-being doesn’t only come from blatant sexism and misogyny came to me gradually. My feminism came alive
We each have to come to terms with our religious history and most especially, polygamy.
This is a weird little parable I wrote about what it feels like for me to be a feminist and an attending member of the
My temple wedding happened twenty two years ago between fall and winter semesters at BYU. Back then I pretended (mostly to myself) that the temple
Have you been to the Exponent II retreat at any time since it began in 1983? Have you led a workshop or presented your spiritual
How do you even start making sense of the American election last week? You don’t. Blogger Heidi Toth, struggling to finds words and ways to
Emeritus blogger Chiarascuro recommends For Our Daughters, a powerful new documentary that addresses the urgent issues facing women of faith in America. Directed by Emmy
Mr. Reed is a horrible person and a psychopath. It’s cruel how he antagonizes the missionaries about their faith. Most of what he shares in
Exponent II provides feminist forums for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum to share their diverse life experiences in an atmosphere of trust and acceptance. Through these exchanges, we strive to create a community to better understand and support each other.