Women and Comics: The Good–Part 1
Nate is an economist and EmilyCC’s spouse and co-Cubmaster. Jessawhy’s post a couple weeks ago made me want to look more closely at how women
Exponent II Blog is a feminist forum for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum.
Nate is an economist and EmilyCC’s spouse and co-Cubmaster. Jessawhy’s post a couple weeks ago made me want to look more closely at how women
In June, I volunteered to be the Assistant Primary Chorister. I emailed the Bishop and the Primary President and asked if they would consider an
The overall theme in September is “commandments”, which I think is an important idea to couch this lesson in. Commandments are laws given to bless
Choosing a list of book recommendations is a difficult thing. There are too many good books to choose from! Even after narrowing the criteria for
As a returned missionary, I am well-versed in the true and everlasting religious salesmanship technique: the commitment pattern, which emphasizes the use of “will you”
About a month ago, my father decided to clear out his collection of family memorabilia and give it to me, the de facto family historian.
When I was still single, I spoke with one of my engaged friends about her recent interview with our stake president in preparation for her
This past March I was lucky enough to attend the Midwest Pilgrimage in Nauvoo with a group of friends. The keynote speaker was Linda King
A week or so ago, I found myself eating watermelon in my parent’s kitchen with my six-year old niece. I was standing near the island.
For my husband’s Predictive Analytics program, he has been asked to design a survey, and he chose the subject of superheroes. Questions like: What superhero
Exponent II provides feminist forums for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum to share their diverse life experiences in an atmosphere of trust and acceptance. Through these exchanges, we strive to create a community to better understand and support each other.