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Archives: Blogs

Exponent II Blog is a feminist forum for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum.


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More like Mattie

Last night our feminist book club discussed Pioneer, Polygamist, Politician: The Life of Dr. Martha Hughes Cannon. Here is a great summary article of the book

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Brave Thoughts

Disclosure: My husband works for Pixar, so of course I’m going to tell you to see Brave.  Also, here’s the warning for spoilers: Spoilers Ahead!

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Guest Post: Forty

by Libby (On a three-child-induced career sabbatical, Libby spends her time sewing lavish Halloween costumes, reading, and volunteering on the board of her daughter’s cooperative

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Mind Blowing

As a kid I never really liked the Wizard of Oz movie. I never had much patience childishness even from other kids, so Judy Garland’s

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ERA: The Future

This picture was taken at a press conference for new bills introduced into Congress and Senate for The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) during the 40th

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