Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-11-20
how one Quaker class teaches sex ed: http://t.co/mogvjlMr # http://t.co/CXyDsBWm "There’s something about seeing all these nice looking people with these judgmental labels applied to
Exponent II Blog is a feminist forum for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum.
how one Quaker class teaches sex ed: http://t.co/mogvjlMr # http://t.co/CXyDsBWm "There’s something about seeing all these nice looking people with these judgmental labels applied to
how one Quaker class teaches sex ed: http://t.co/mogvjlMr # http://t.co/CXyDsBWm "There’s something about seeing all these nice looking people with these judgmental labels applied to
Last month, I ran my first race, a Ragnar relay race in Las Vegas. It was a great experience and not just because I got
I had an experience recently with a woman who said something to me specifically because she wanted me to to contradict what she said [1].
Temple Marriage In a September 2011 Ensign article titled, Giving God a Chance to Bless Us, a church district in Argentina is highlighted for its
I teach nursery. It’s a nice place to be: snacks, dancing, and simple lessons focused on basic gospel principles. No one in the back is
It’s a shame that I post on Mondays because many of my posts are written Sunday night about what happened at church. I’m so predictable. So
I think D&C Section 89 has some beautiful parts in it, and the promises in it are some of my favorite in the scriptures (finding
RT @sugar_bird: reading books, using images, raising kids. It's complicated. @JanaRemy's view: Them "gay" books http://t.co/m0nhkaSS # Our MoFem friend Kaimi gets a shoutout on
Symbolism is an important part of religion. As Latter-day Saints, we are well familiar that the Bridegroom is the biblical term that symbolises Christ; The
Exponent II provides feminist forums for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum to share their diverse life experiences in an atmosphere of trust and acceptance. Through these exchanges, we strive to create a community to better understand and support each other.