Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-10-24
RT @TheOnion: Man Can Name All Parts Of The Vagina http://onion.com/bFTyRP # RT @xJane: Unsurprised but still distressed. Citigroup used the recession to fire women
Exponent II Blog is a feminist forum for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum.
RT @TheOnion: Man Can Name All Parts Of The Vagina http://onion.com/bFTyRP # RT @xJane: Unsurprised but still distressed. Citigroup used the recession to fire women
My oldest sister had some goldfish that she miraculously managed to keep alive for several years. As part of caring for her fish she made
D&C 132 stands as one of Mormonism’s greatest conundrums. In this one section, we have the soul expanding notion of eternal marriage and eternal progression,
One of the things that appears over and over in the goals listed in thr Faith In God booklet is “describe…” “discuss…” “list…” “share…” etc.
RT @galendara: On page 254 of 448 of Marriage, a History, by Stephanie Coontz: 1960: The Pill becomes commercially… http://bit.ly/aGvaX2 # ahahaawesome 🙂 RT @WheatnTweet:
I’m a grad student in a public administration program and a term we often use is “the body politic”, meaning a collective group of people
Yesterday I got a call from my best friend from college, a brilliant, charismatic, fabulous woman. She was distressed because she was at a turning
Hooray! It’s time for another Mormon Women’s Forum Counterpoint Conference! Saturday, October 23, 2010 9 am to 6 pm Olpin Student Union, Panorama Room East,
I’ll be having my third and final baby in 5 weeks, and she’s a girl. I always thought I’d be wading through girls’ names, trying
I tried to think of something else – anything else – to write about for my first official post. But it kept coming back to
Exponent II provides feminist forums for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum to share their diverse life experiences in an atmosphere of trust and acceptance. Through these exchanges, we strive to create a community to better understand and support each other.