The LDS Church Gave Me Inadequate Career Advice – Part Two
A common theme among the comments was that I’d left off an important point. I’d neglected to say that women could work just because they
Exponent II Blog is a feminist forum for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum.
A common theme among the comments was that I’d left off an important point. I’d neglected to say that women could work just because they
I want to dive into the land of Ken-dom and Mojo, Dojo, Casa Houses. What would General Conference sound like in the world of this
Just like Ken when he found books on patriarchy at the library and was introduced to the idea, this was my first time exploring the
Even though men’s garments and women’s garments cover similar proportions of their bodies, equality is not equity.
In the Young Women program I often heard phrases like, “you’ll want an education, but only so you can fall back on it if your
We hadn’t eaten breakfast, it was lunchtime, we had 35 minutes to get to the temple, and the drive would take roughly 25 minutes. If
Men are more than priesthood vessels, providers, and presiders. Men should not be defined by their religious roles but by who they are.
Using a photo of a woman holding a shovel but eliminating her head, especially not showing her eyes, turned this woman into an object. An
A few years ago, my daughter (who is now 9 years old) started complaining that during our scripture reading we almost exclusively learned from men’s
Today we will discuss a journey: a long, messy, perilous journey, via a less than ideal route. It’s an apt metaphor for the sometimes confusing
Exponent II provides feminist forums for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum to share their diverse life experiences in an atmosphere of trust and acceptance. Through these exchanges, we strive to create a community to better understand and support each other.