Exponent II
Exponent II

A feminist forum for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum

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Exponent II is always open to submissions! Through writing and art, Exponent II is dedicated to sharing a diverse range of experiences from women and marginalized genders across the Mormon spectrum. We thrive on publishing new and seasoned voices.


We accept artist submissions of all mediums year-round. Content does not need to be religious or Mormon in content, we publish content representative of the breadth of women and gender minorities creations. Visit our instagram account @exponentii_mag for a sense of what we publish.

In layout we often pair art + writing, but our design team attempts to represent each piece in its own right, with the goal as juxtaposition rather than illustration. If you are interested in illustrating artwork to accompany specific assignments, let us know (minor compensation may be provided).

To submit, please include as high of resolution image as you have available, as well as contact information — emailed to the art editor. Before submitting, confirm you identify with the mission of Exponent II (we only publish work by women and gender minorities somewhere along the LDS continuum.)


We recommend becoming familiar with the magazine and community to get a sense of what we publish. We enjoy fresh takes and personal pieces grounded in scene. Though we are always open to surprise, our pieces typically address (explicit or implicitly) some aspect of gender and/or navigating church, but not always. We have 2-3 themed-issues per year that anchor an issue, but 1-2 times per year we have an open-theme that is even broader.

In addition to personal essays, we publish a broad range of features, such as:

  • Poetry
  • Fiction – short stories up to 2,400 words
  • Theology – Mormon feminist theology (pitch guide here)
  • Sabbath Pastorals – sermons by community members given over the pulpit (call for submissions)
  • Flannel Board – practical ideas for how to make church work better
  • Book Reviews – essays up to 700 words about books written by community members that feature Exponent II themes (best to pitch us first)

Submission Guidelines

Writing submissions can be sent to the editor. Before sending, please ensure:

  • You identify with the mission of Exponent II (we only publish work by women and gender minorities somewhere along the LDS continuum)
  • The work has not been published anywhere, including on a personal blog or on social media
  • You state whether your submission is intended for an upcoming theme, an open-theme, or a specific feature
  • Your submission is in Word or Google Doc form with Times New Roman font
  • (For Prose) The work is single-spaced with no indents and space between each paragraph. It should be no longer than 2,400 words. We find 1,200 words to be the sweet spot.
  • You keep in mind that (in order to give others opportunities) we try not to publish the same person more than one per publishing year. Priority will be given to writers who have not published in the magazine within the year prior.
  • Send us your very best work, and if you are a new writer, don’t feel intimidated. If your story is a fit for the magazine, great! We have editors who work one-on-one with every writer to prepare the piece for publication.

Art submissions can be sent to the art editor. We are always looking for artwork and photography to accompany our writing. Although essays and artwork are paired in spatial proximity, we generally think of them in juxtaposition, as two different voices in dialogue. The art team tries to design in a way that each piece and voice stands on its own. If you are interested in illustrating articles, please contact us for specific assignments.

Tip for Personal Essay Writing

The best essays start as everyday stories. Something happens to us that we did not expect, or we react to something in an unexpected way. We had a script in our mind as to how a scene would play out, then the story changed and we found ourselves in a completely different narrative. Notice these moments as you move through life; think about moments like these in your past life. These moments are the stories that spark interesting essays.

With one of these ideas in mind, ask yourself a few questions and jot down the answers.

  • What was I expecting? How was I living in the world before?
  • What happened that I did not expect?
  • What were the details of the moments–what led up to this point, what was going on with the main players; what was the setting; what were the reactions of the bystanders; what did I see, hear, smell, taste, and feel?
  • How was the world different afterward? How as I different? How is it now?

Take these notes and organize them into a simple draft. Stay focused on your story and keep in mind a few things not to do–they can be distracting to you and reader:

  • Don’t add lots of quotations. We want to hear your voice and how you frame your experience.
  • Unless submitting to Sabbath Pastorals or Women’s Theology, we want to hear your experiences and insights about those experiences in narrative form and not as a doctrinal talk.
  • Don’t feel compelled to tidy things up with a moral to the story. The best essays describe what happened, what it means to the writer, and then invites the reader to make their own connections to their life