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A feminist forum for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum

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Top Mormon male priesthood leaders in the 1800s led very sexually promiscuous lives. We’ve always called it polygamy and said it was commanded by a loving Heavenly Father, but I don’t believe that. Men who were already married with children continued to take more and more women and girls as additional sexual partners under the claim that God had told them (or their prophet) that they were free to do so. Women were rewards given to men for their obedience and loyalty to the church.
What do you do when family members or friends don't feel safe in the church?
"Seminary remains the only youth program where the latest churchwide increase in youth budgets was not applied, perpetuating the old system of “haves” and “have nots”. CES — ever focused on its coddled Release Time Zone students and neglectful of the dedicated Outer Stake student — has set the current budget amount at $4.50/student per year. Seminary is taught approximately nine months a year in the US, and that amounts to 50 cents per student per month. You read that right: 50 cents. The budget problem is so widespread that in a survey I did of self-identifying seminary teachers, I determined family budgets help make up the budget shortfall in 85-95% of surveyed Seminary classes. This means your child’s experience in seminary is at least partially dependent on the disposable income of your child’s seminary teacher’s family. It’s true that there are many reasons for a student’s different experiences in seminary, but when you feel critical of your child’s seminary teacher, have you considered that *budget* could be the explanation for an apparent lack of creativity? A student who is in the class of a teacher who can afford Nerf guns and bacon is going to have a dramatically different experience from the teacher who blew their paltry classroom budget on a printer cartridge."
When my social transition required me to set aside my male privilege and my priesthood to fit in with and learn from the sisters, a lot more of my patriarchal shell fell away.
Most of our hopes for positive change for trans folks evaporated on August 19, 2024 with the release of updates to the General Handbook.
Blogger Kaylee writes "The temple ceremony currently requires participants to fit into one side or the other of a gender binary. Jesus does not fit on either side of that binary because of his association with the veil and the garment."