Guest Post: Come Follow Me: Genesis 5; Moses 6 “Teach These Things Freely unto Your Children”
By Miriam Miriam is a PhD candidate in Prevention Science at the University of Oregon, mother of 3 girls, and striving to teach her girls
Exponent II Blog is a feminist forum for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum.
By Miriam Miriam is a PhD candidate in Prevention Science at the University of Oregon, mother of 3 girls, and striving to teach her girls
Guest Post by Kajsa. Kajsa is married to Monty Kaufusi, and together they have 3 precocious children and two stinky dogs. After working part-time as
Content Warning: Animal cruelty. Names and some identifying details have been changed. I served my mission in the heart of the Bible Belt, so converts
You are not sent to wander alone.
By Miriam Miriam is a PhD candidate in Prevention Science at the University of Oregon, mother of 3 girls, and striving to teach her girls
Well, the year is almost over. A lot of it felt like a blur- it was a roller coaster of feeling safer, with regards to
Engaging everyone in the same way creates that sense of belonging. There’s a difference between acceptance and belonging.
When I am 64, I won’t be losing my hair. At least I don’t think I will. Last month I received a diagnosis of breast
Known as “the Blue Marble,” this is the first image taken from space of the fully illuminated sphere of the Earth. It was photographed by
Did I just turn Luke chapter 2 into clickbait? Maybe. But this chapter, and one verse in particular, gained new meaning for me this year.
Exponent II provides feminist forums for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum to share their diverse life experiences in an atmosphere of trust and acceptance. Through these exchanges, we strive to create a community to better understand and support each other.