Poll: New Video or Old One?
So, the new temple movie came out this week (just as our Exponent II Summer 2013 temple-themed issue is coming out in a couple weeks;
Exponent II Blog is a feminist forum for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum.
So, the new temple movie came out this week (just as our Exponent II Summer 2013 temple-themed issue is coming out in a couple weeks;
Why Is It Important To Be Honest? I chose to do this lesson because I’m attracted to the idea of honesty and integrity. I admire
1 And it came to pass that as we approached the meetinghouse, even though it were for a piano recital and not on the day
“You can’t be what you can’t see.” That’s the line from Miss Representation that has stuck with me since I saw the film over a
I’ve been worrying over this lesson for a while now, and actually started approaching it from a different angle. Then the sister missionaries dropped by
My body has born four children. And I have watched as the men I love have taken each of these little bodies in their arms–bodies that
Age 9 I decide to bear my testimony every Fast Sunday so that 1) I get extra blessings and 2) to get over my fears
“Is that puppy going to be okay?” I asked. A dog, undoubtedly not a puppy, had just been carried out of the examination room at
“All she was doing was surviving her own journey. And writing a few words about it. That’s all any of us can do. We are
We just celebrated the 24th of July, aka: Pioneer Day, or to non-Mormons in Utah: Pie-and-Beer Day. In my Stake, we had a special celebration
Exponent II provides feminist forums for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum to share their diverse life experiences in an atmosphere of trust and acceptance. Through these exchanges, we strive to create a community to better understand and support each other.