Best of 2017
These are the best things I discovered in 2017 – many of them have existed for much longer than that, but the world is too
Exponent II Blog is a feminist forum for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum.
These are the best things I discovered in 2017 – many of them have existed for much longer than that, but the world is too
The news that Young Men are now allowed to baptize and serve as official witnesses in Temple Baptistries, while Young Women may “assist with baptistry
Guest post by Adela. Adela is a lifelong church member who lives in New England with her family. She is in the toddler-mom phase of
What are the roles of the Holy Ghost? Start by showing the video “What does the Spirit feel like?” After the video, write “Roles of
Our job on earth is not to stop being human. We cannot become perfect by denying that part of ourselves. We can only become perfect
Move Forward with Faith Faith is a Living, Vital Force I would begin the lesson from Chapter 25: Move Forward with Faith with this quote from
A while back, with the feedback of Exponent readers, I completed a detailed analysis of church policy and its effects on women and submitted it
Have you ever dodged bullets to attend sacrament meeting? Sahar Qumsiyeh has. This Palestinian woman in now living in the US, but still has some
Same-sex marriage officially signed into law in Australia Same-sex marriage was made legal with a majority “Yay” vote in both houses of Parliament. According
A few months ago, my daughter was baptized. I’ve known since I was nine years old that I would struggle with having no part in
Exponent II provides feminist forums for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum to share their diverse life experiences in an atmosphere of trust and acceptance. Through these exchanges, we strive to create a community to better understand and support each other.