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Archives: Blogs

Exponent II Blog is a feminist forum for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum.


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Virtual Oases XVIII

Chapter 2 of Heather P’s series: Women and Authority: The Historical Relationship of Mormon Women and Priesthood Lynette: In the church context, are singles relegated

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History Question

The newsroom section of has issued an article about political neutrality. I recommend reading the entire statement, which goes into more depth than the

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Virtual Oases XVII

A Physics Parable (from a new blogger at Z’s Daughters) We’re Losing Her: The Deportation of an LDS Sister Is a child with Down Syndrome

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Vacuuming the Attic

Housework isn’t the sexiest topic, I know, but since I’m doing more housework than I’ve ever done before, it’s been on my mindt—usually as I’m

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Virtual Oases XVII

AnneGB’s essays on Grandma’s, Walmart, and Domestic Bliss. Kiskilili: An academic look at the issues surrounding women’s ordination From Heather: A most unconventional Tea Party

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