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Archives: Blogs

Exponent II Blog is a feminist forum for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum.


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I’ve been particularly interested in the translation of poetry ever since I took a World Lit class in college. I was especially drawn to the

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On Raising Sons

For weeks, I’ve been trying to write something about raising boys to commemorate the birth of Caroline’s son. Then, I realized I’ve only been a

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Virtual Oases XXVIII

Post of the week: Margarent Young on her experience writing about Jane Manning James and the Black experience. Many people have told me how pleased

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Options: Plan B

Every other Thursday, after I’ve posted here, I breathe a huge sigh of relief. Free for another 14 days. Then the worrying begins. What will

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The Limit of Words

I participated in initiatories for our ward’s temple assignment last night. I’ve always loved this whole-bodied offering where every part of us is anointed to

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Still Waters

Twelve years it’s been since I’ve faithfully attended Sunday School. Sacrament? Check. Relief Society? Check check. But that forty-five minutes in between – I just

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