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Archives: Blogs

Exponent II Blog is a feminist forum for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum.


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Easter’s Promise

One of my favorite writers is the very irreverent David Sedaris. Because I taught English as a second language, I get a big kick out of

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Cutting back

By Starfoxy I am very adept at spotting when my kids need haircuts. I’m somewhat less adept at spotting when the grass needs cutting, or

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The WE canvas

Posted by Dora There are two rules when you come to visit my home. First, take off your shoes and store them in the hall

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A Woman's Blessing

Sarah Ann Eliza explained that she had already lost one daughter, the doctors had told her that she probably would not have any more children,

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Circle soap

A plain looking thing fat disk of oil and lye forced to sit and cure becoming something permanent it may not have chosen for itself

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