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Archives: Blogs

Exponent II Blog is a feminist forum for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum.


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Why Girls Hate Boys

Today’s conversation with my nearly 8 year old son: Me:  Let’s invite Taven to your birthday party. Son: No, Mom. Don’t you know I have

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Getting Input

Last weekend my parents and I were discussing old church manuals, and new church manuals, and how some manuals desperately need an update. My mom

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Long Time Gone

by Linda Hoffman Kimball This was the month my mother died. 16 years already. Long enough ago That I could have been Again a teenager,

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An Ideal Husband

Last week I read an obituary for Martin D. Ginsburg, the husband of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Several things struck me about this obituary; first, he

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Parlez-Vous Girl?

By Heather Though I am far from multi-lingual (I once knew some French and can shop in Mandarin, Spanish & Hebrew), I have realized that

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