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Archives: Blogs

Exponent II Blog is a feminist forum for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum.


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Brexit and Regrexit

I have been an immigrant my entire life. I don’t look stereotypically immigrant-ish. I’m about as pasty as one can be, but for the record

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Choosing Equality

In a Sacrament meeting talk about opposition and the war in heaven, I recently heard the features of Satan’s plan enumerated: he wanted to take away

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I’ve been thinking lately about the story of the Zoramites and their Rameumptoms. They Zoramites were apostate Nephites who built high towers. They would stand

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What Will Save Us?

Back in April, I walked over to a house–– in a neighborhood not too far from where I lived–– to pick up keys from a family

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three blessings for my girl

she steps down into the font of (very! I am later told) warm water, and is buried, and raised again; then husband confirms baptized daughter. “The world that you

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