
Our Bloggers Recommend “Let Her Enter”, in celebration of the lifting of the temple and priesthood racial ban on June 8, 1978

Emeritus blogger East River Lady shares her experience receiving her temple endowment as a black member of the church.

Spiritual Abuse

Trigger warning: Discussing of domestic violence Note: In this I will be using female pronouns to discuss abuse victims and male pronouns to discuss perpetrators.  However,...

Happy Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Heritage Month!

Happy Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Heritage Month! Blogger Nicole Sbitani shares some amazing AANHPI Mormon stories...

Queer Mormon Joy: An Interview with Kerry Pray

If there is an argument about joy that this book makes, it's this: take it. It's yours. It belongs to you. Don't wait for it. . . God is big enough, whether or not the church is.

Guest Post: Pieta

Oh mothers of sorrow, wherever you are, They know what it is to grieve what you cannot change.

Garments vs The Fashion Industry, Part 2, Maternity Edition

My heart is broken because we champion motherhood so much in the church, but the church shows so little understanding about the intimate details of how a woman and her needs actually change with motherhood.

Mothers and Infants are Uncomfortable at Church: A Call for Help

"A pain I can’t describe washed over me, as I cuddled and cared for my sweet child, fulfilling what this church has taught is the highest honor of women, unable to ignore the stark contrast between the closet-sized space for the mothers, and the big, comfortable room used by the men. Broader gender disparities I try not to focus on suddenly felt illuminated in floodlights. I felt for the other moms pacing in the halls who didn’t have access to this space."

Follow Up to “Letting Him Prevail”

"Shortly after my baptism when I found my biological father, my birth mom found her biological father too. As I and friends took these biological family names to the temple, their messages were loud and clear: You were not an accident. The Lord sent you here at this prescribed time. We love you. We are aware of you."