Picture of April Young-Bennett
April Young-Bennett
April Young-Bennett is the author of the Ask a Suffragist book series and host of the Religious Feminism Podcast. Learn more about April at

Teaching No Greater Call: Exponent Resources for Teachers

Do you have a teaching calling? The Exponent can help! Here are some of the resources we have to offer:

primary-class-391476-galleryLesson Plans

The Exponent has an ongoing project to compose Relief Society, Visiting Teaching and Young Women lessons.  We have also completed series on lessons based on Daughters in My Kingdom (the Relief Society history book) and Activity Days ideas.

Relief Society

Young Women

Visiting Teaching

Daughters in My Kingdom

Activity Days

While the Exponent has not done a specific series on Primary, several bloggers have posted their Primary lessons and tips as they have completed Primary callings.

Exponent II Magazine

The Sabbath Pastorals feature of the magazine provides examples of excellent talks delivered by women in Sacrament Meetings across the globe. Borrow their ideas and wisdom! The Flannel Board feature offers suggestions for teaching Primary, Young Women or Relief Society with a feminist bent. Subscribe to Exponent II magazine and/or purchase past issues here.

Learn How to Teach

In addition to the wonderful posts in the Teaching, No Greater Call series, the Exponent has several posts in our archive about how to teach effectively.  Here are some examples:

Fun Ways To Practice That Primary Song Again And Again And Again AND The Assistant Primary Chorister Teaching songs to children…

Guiding Class Discussion Finding balance between reigning in bizarre comments and having too oppressive a commenting policy…

How Can I Use Church Music To Learn About The Plan Of Salvation? AND On God And Music AND Music and the Church series AND Sacred Music Sunday series Teaching music appreciation…

If You Chance To Meet A Frown and What My Daughter Learns Adapting Nursery lessons to be more inclusive of girls…

It Bends Adapting for an international church…

The Law Of Chastity AND Ways NOT to Teach about Chastity A post about implementing the Church’s progressive stance on sex education within chastity lessons and another post with less effective examples…

A Memorable Sunday School Class Being open to redirection from the Spirit while teaching class…

On Obedience and Happiness Avoiding the pitfall  of teaching transactional thinking…

The Platinum Rule AND What We See Following the Platinum Rule and/or the Golden Rule while teaching…

Preparation: How To Plan For A Relief Society Lesson How to make a lesson that motivates action…

Teaching: A Pretty Good Call Effective lessons for youth…

5 Tips for Talks Writing great sacrament meeting talks…

Preparing For The New Lesson Manuals Resources to supplement the very short and simple Gospel Principles lessons…

Priesthood as a Privilege AND How to Be Sensitive to Young Women when Teaching about the Priesthood Considerations when teaching about all-male priesthood to women…

When Teacher And Text Aren’t On The Same Page Planning a lesson when the manual doesn’t resonate with you…

The World’s Perspective Avoiding the pitfall of teaching us-versus-them mentality…

April Young-Bennett is the author of the Ask a Suffragist book series and host of the Religious Feminism Podcast. Learn more about April at

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I’d guess that most people would say their Elder’s Quorum and Relief Society discussions are about general conference talks. However, that’s not what the handbook says the discussion should focus on. Section says “The focus [of gospel instruction and discussion] should be on topics in one or more talks from the most recent general conference”
"Dear Brother, ... Elder’s Quorum should not be treated as some “boy’s club” where you can put others down. The world is facing an epidemic of male loneliness, and many men are in crisis with how to define masculinity in a world where many women are allowed and encouraged to have careers of their own. Elder’s Quorum could be a place to address those things. Men could counsel together and support one another. Maybe that’s what you are trying to do. I do not believe that counseling should ever happen by putting others down, though. You men do not need to bond over how much women are inferior at teaching. Find something new."

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