
Blog Tag: women

Steps with a handrail
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Guest Post: Going Through the Motions

Guest Post by Elizabeth Cranford Garcia. Elizabeth Cranford Garcia’s work has most recently appeared in Tar River Poetry, Tinderbox Poetry, Irreantum, Wayfare, and Anti-Heroin Chic, and has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net. She is the author of Stunt Double and serves as the current Poetry Editor for Dialogue: a Journal of Mormon Thought. Read more of her work at elizabethcgarcia.wordpress.com. Two weeks ago, we had a fifth Sunday lesson intended to motivate us all to magnify our callings, to find ways to amplify our efforts. Despite the best practices of our teacher—we were all...
Teenage girl smiles and twirls
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On Divine Girlhood

Here are some particulars of the divine. Vestigial values sprout from me, planted in my chest by the gentle hands of my Biblical sisters.
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Bus Ride

I had to go on this bus ride to marry my husband. That’s what everyone told me. I couldn’t know the route ahead of time. I took classes that vaguely hinted at what the bus ride would be like. I looked at pictures of what the inside of the bus looked like. I still didn’t know much. 
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Guest Art: Phase Shift (triptych)

Phase Shift is a triptych depicting three women in menopause. These pieces celebrate life’s milestones and look at menopause through a positive lens rather than seeing it as a medical inconvenience.
Red apple with nails sticking out
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Guest Post: Betrayed by Perimenopause

But perimenopause—that I had no idea. Frankly, even the doctor's words made no sense to me. How could she be speaking about ME? The conditions she was listing made no sense… and to hear perimenopause could be a ten-year process? That sounded insane. I felt betrayed.
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Mary – 2000 years of scrutiny

When I got to the part where Mary was told to name her child “Jesus,” my kid gasped. “What?” she said in complete disbelief, “Mary couldn’t even choose the name of her own son?”
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I Would Gift Us

These are the gifts I would give us, and this is the way I would gift them. Jezebel served a goddess, one the Israelites also worshiped, but our stories vilify her. Elijah ordered the slaughter of Jezebel's priests long before she raised a hand against his small religious sect. He built his political power from the ashes of those burned priests, on the back of Jezebel's broken and dog-torn body. I gift us new ways of worshipping our Mother free from male violence. I'll meet you in our sacred groves. We can paint our eyes with kohl and tell stories of...
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Temple Matron: No Husband Required

I was working my way through Saints, Volume 3 when I stumbled across this bombshell in Chapter 15: “...Armenia Lee had an interview with apostle George F. Richards and her longtime stake president, Edward J. Wood, who had been called as the president of the new temple. Armenia and Edward had been friends for many years. After her husband’s death, she had often gone to him for counsel and advice. They had worked together as stake leaders, and Edward had become like a brother to her. Once the meeting began, Elder Richards asked Armenia if she would be willing...
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Menopause and Me Blog Series: Call for Submissions

We want to hear from women and gender minorities who either anticipate or have experienced menopause.
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What Would Change if Church Leaders Centered Global Women of Color?

Regular readers here need no introduction to the incredible Caroline Kline, a co-founder of the Exponent blog whose insight we’ve long benefited from. What readers may not know is that Caroline recently published a new book, Mormon Women at the Crossroads: Global Narratives and the Power of Connectedness. This book grew out of her dissertation at Claremont Graduate University where she earned a Ph.D. in Religion, focusing on contemporary Mormon women and Mormonism in the Global South. For her research, Caroline conducted interviews with Latter-day Saint women in Mexico, Botswana, and the United States, looking at how these women...
What is Exponent II?

Exponent II provides Mormon feminist forums for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum to share their diverse life experiences in an atmosphere of trust and acceptance. Through these exchanges, we strive to create a community to better understand and support each other.

Exponent II was founded in 1974 by a group of Mormon women in Cambridge, Massachusetts. These women were inspired by the original periodical, “The Woman’s Exponent,” to create a forum “posed on the dual platforms of Mormonism and Feminism.”

For 50+ years, Exponent II has shared women’s voices in its quarterly magazine, and members of the community have convened at an annual retreat. Our reach has expanded as technology has advanced: the blog, founded in January 2006, has reached millions. As we look to the future, we are focused on growth and building a more inclusive community.