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Today marks 105 years since the tragedy of Eugene Williams’ death.
"I wanted to cry [when I put garments on for the first time]. My first thought was, 'This is what my husband is going to see me in for the very first time we are together?' I felt so unattractive in them. They were ill-fitting and uncomfortable. The weirdest part was that everyone kept telling me how wonderful they were and I didn't feel that way. I was so confused."
It is a truth universally acknowledged that young men -- and some young women --  are called to go on a mission. There are over 70,000 missionaries serving worldwide. That’s one missionary for every 250 members. The question is, how do we best equip them for their service? I assert that therapy is a critically important piece of missionary preparation.
Listen to Claudia Bushman and Rachel Ruckert talk abotu Exponent II's 50th anniversary on the Mormon Land podcast.
New Exponent Blogger was on the Dialogue Journal Podcast recently, discussing how to mentor youth while discussing the stories of Ammon and Abish. "Whether they are religious or not, when we help young people develop their sense of spiritual sensibilities, this empowers them to experience sacred moments and meaning. Gaining spiritual sensibilities enables them to access positive emotions and insights that they need to support their mental health, to feel well, and be resilient."
Ultimately, I don't want to be compelled to stand or sing in church services when my convictions may guide me to kneel, or when participating may exclude those of other nations, when we should be united in faith first.
Guest author Leah Steelman shares her insights on the blog today about choosing general conference talks for her ward's Relief Society lessons. It's been widely noted that only three women spoke in last conference - but did you also notice that two of them directed their comments at the children and youth - not the adult membership? Women don't only speak less, the men are given implied permission not even to listen to those who do. Check out her great insights on the blog today!