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The Exponent II Blog features posts relating to Mormon feminism. We welcome posts by diverse voices. Submit a guest post to join the conversation.

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Blogger Abby Maxwell Hansen writes, "Leaders insist women don't need to ask for the priesthood because we already have it - but they have changed the definition of priesthood. Instead of being the power to actually do anything in the church (bless, baptize, be a general authority, preside, be on a disciplinary council, play basketball at midnight in the cultural hall and not get kicked out), the definition of having the priesthood has become “existing as a member of the church”. 
Blogger April Young-Bennett writes that the leadership potential of LDS women leaders "is crippled by a system designed to elevate men’s voices, priorities and choices over women’s."
The ritual work wasn’t the only thing the Levites were in charge of. They were also in charge of moving the tabernacle from place to place. Specific subsets, or clans, of the tribe of Levi had specific duties when it came to moving the tabernacle. 
It’s not too late to start teaching your children the truth. If you think their faith might crumble in the face of hard truths, imagine how much worse it will be when they find out the lie.
Blogger Abby Maxwell Hansen is curating a blog series on the realities of being female and fat with the LDS church. Please consider contributing to this series with your own guest submission. We'd love to hear from you!
In honor of International Non-binary People's Day, guest author "Androgynous Saint" (from Instagram) shares ideas of how cisgender members of the church can help and celebrate non-binary members of the church. They write,
Women can speak boldly and loudly from pulpits and still hide their bloodstains and blood symbols and their breasts and wombs and their wisdom and their dreams from everyone who listens. They can keep their truths hidden inside the bags they hold, clinging to the ancient stone tablets. They can be Silent Women.