
Blog Tag: women

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Why can’t women handle money for the church?

As things are currently organized I cannot serve as a Ward Financial Clerk. I can't help prepare a deposit of tithing money. I can't process reimbursement checks. I can't help distribute fast offering funds. I can't help prepare the ward budget.
Gradient color swatch moves from white to yellow to orange
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Sacrament Talk 2.0

omen haven't been theologians? This was not true at the time Elder Maxwell wrote it, and it isn't true now. What is true, however, is that the male leadership of the church have systematically denied and repressed the power women, transmasc, and non-binary people have.
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Deconstructing Faith and Body Issues One Truth at a Time

The dress was white with blue flowers. It was a simple long shift dress in standard late nineties fashion, with a slight cling and wide tank top like straps. When I tried it on and looked in the mirror of the dressing room, I cried. My stomach was rounded instead of flat and I crumpled under waves of self-loathing.
Two torn plum blossoms on tree
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Indiana, After a Storm

Whether you come whole or in pieces your offering is needed..
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Wake up.

“I am a witness by being absent,” Wendy declares, giving vivid despair to the realization of my role as a woman in this patriarchal church. What brings her peace brings me grief.
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My Experience With The Newest Temple Changes

I started to hear that the temple ceremony had been updated - again. My friends were saying that Christ was more prominently featured and that things were explained more clearly.  I heard an older woman in my ward saying, “I wish we’d had this all along. Everything would have been so much easier to understand.
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Ten Things We Say About Heavenly Mother that Make Zero Sense

Women theoretically don't get the priesthood because our all consuming role here on earth is to just be mothers. We can't be distracted in any way from nurturing and caring for our children, not even by being able to give them a blessing when they're sick because that would somehow be too big of a distraction from our real purpose - nurturing them. But the instant we leave this earth life and become exalted mothers in heaven, all nurturing will stop immediately. We will turn that role over to our husbands. He will listen to our children's prayers, send them...
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Makers of Worlds

This is just one small glimpse of the power of an unpaid woman. Tragically, so much of women's magic is lost along the straight-and-narrow path of patriarchy. Gerda Lerner, the champion of "Women's History Day," laments that "what women have done and experienced has been left unrecorded, neglected, and ignored," and this has distorted history and religion and governments and families, but this does not mean that women have been doing nothing while they have been ignored by historians, political leaders, and religions. They have always been and continue to be the makers of worlds.
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Guest Post: Heavenly Mother in the Uncertainty of Perimenopause

For the last few years, a female friend and I have compared Perimenopause symptoms the way that our younger selves compared rock bands. I have more regular semi-existential crises; she has the hot flashes. Both of us are too young for this experience and too educated to ignore it exactly. Relating to a Heavenly Mother and Divine Motherhood in general in a culture steeped in the quest for the Fountain of Youth (and fertility) raises more questions and uncertainty then answers and security. Heavenly Mother is more of a question mark than the ultimate answer.
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Breaking Our Silence About the Temple

I thought to myself, “Why can’t I just ask my former young women these questions? Why are we friends on Facebook, liking each other’s posts and commenting on new babies and vacations, occasionally running into each other in person and enthusiastically greeting each other with big hugs, but always wondering just below the surface, “Were you okay with the temple? Were you uncomfortable with what happened to you there? Do you have questions that don’t have answers?” I never reach out and ask though, because I’m afraid of the answer. What if they reject me and I lose our...
What is Exponent II?

Exponent II provides Mormon feminist forums for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum to share their diverse life experiences in an atmosphere of trust and acceptance. Through these exchanges, we strive to create a community to better understand and support each other.

Exponent II was founded in 1974 by a group of Mormon women in Cambridge, Massachusetts. These women were inspired by the original periodical, “The Woman’s Exponent,” to create a forum “posed on the dual platforms of Mormonism and Feminism.”

For 50+ years, Exponent II has shared women’s voices in its quarterly magazine, and members of the community have convened at an annual retreat. Our reach has expanded as technology has advanced: the blog, founded in January 2006, has reached millions. As we look to the future, we are focused on growth and building a more inclusive community.