
Blog Tag: women

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The Other M-word

by Jessawhy In countless posts about single women in the church, bloggers emphasize the point that these women need something in addition to promises of marriage in the next life. Living a celibate life can be difficult and sometimes depressing. Many of my friends, sisters, and cousins are single and in their late 20s or early 30s struggling without a mate and without sex. As a woman who married young, I try to listen and sympathize, but I really don't know how difficult it is for these women to remain morally pure and maintain hope for marriage. Some...
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Crying With China: Thoughts on Transcending the Mundane

by Caroline When I listen to touching or sad stories on NPR, often tears come to my eyes. Sometimes they fall down my cheeks. Rarely do I start having to catch my breath because I’m really crying Last Wednesday was one of those rare times. It was a devastating story about a young Chinese couple frantically searching for their young child in the rubble of a collapsed apartment buiding. Two days had passed since the earthquake, but this couple still had hope their son and some grandparents were still alive. Maybe it’s because my toddler is exactly the same age as their...
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Young Widows in the Church: Are they disadvantaged?

by Jessawhy A recent tragedy in my stake has renewed my questions about the church's stance on sealings in the afterlife. Our stake president's son suddenly died at age 34 leaving a young wife and four small children. I can't even imagine the pain that this family faces and the months and years ahead of trying to cope with the loss of their son, husband, and father. Although I've never met her, I put myself in the shoes of the young widow. How would I feel if I had just lost my husband? I'm sure her grief and concern for...
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The Role of the Faithful Feminist

By Jessawhy A few weeks ago EmilyCC and I decided to ditch our husbands and kids and go to dinner. We had a great time talking about our families, our lives, and our beliefs. We also talked about feminism and the church and gospel issues that confuse or upset us. In the end, I asked her, "Why do you stay in the church?" Her answer had two parts. First, she said she has received personal revelation that this is the church where God wants her to be. She said the answer only came once, and she hasn't received any...
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Friday Photo Musing: Strong

What does it mean to 'be strong'? When I think of strength, bulging biceps and loud voices come to mind. It seems a very masculine characteristic. Yet I desire strength. To gain it, I lift weights and learn to speak confidently. I assume an assertive and confident air. So today I'm considering my strengths, those that I have and those that I still desire. I ask myself if I have the strength... to speak truth? to forgive? to choose right? to be wrong? to share sorrow? to learn from my mistakes? to bare all? to avoid pride? to listen? to laugh at myself? to sing? to share your burden? to walk...
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i live a very secure life. i have my moments of personal insecurity--as many as most, a few less than some, a few more than others. i've experienced enough cognitive dissonance to spin me into depression that has kept me from fully functioning. but i live a very secure life. i know there are evil people in my world--not the world, my world. i'm sure there are people in my community who have committed unspeakable acts. i may have even encountered them. but i do not fear that evil. that's not to say that i don't take reasonable precautions...
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What is Women's Liberation?

The current issue of What is Enlightenment? magazine is devoted to an “a cultural, philosophical and spiritual exploration” of Woman. In one featured article, the author posed a question to a wide spectrum of women including spiritual leaders, teachers, feminist thinkers and authors, philosophers, activists and such. (The likes of Gloria Steinem and Eve Ensler among them). The interviewer writes, “One hundred fifty years after a handful of courageous and visionary women ignited the first movement for equal rights, women in contemporary society are the most liberated ever to have walked the planet.” Given that context she asked them this...
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The Meaning of Womanhood

This year, I am planning to dedicate a significant portion of my reading and personal study time to exploring feminism and spirituality. I call myself a feminist, but I think I could be more educated about the histories and current theories of feminism. There is also a wealth of feminist spiritual literature to dig into (thanks for lending me Dance of the Dissident Daughter, Deborah!) My reading list for the year includes Women Who Run with the Wolves, At the Root of This Longing, Embracing Jesus and the Goddess, and The Spiral Staircase. (Further suggestions are welcome). I'd like...
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Sister Archetypes

I recently attended an interesting workshop that touched on many aspects of the feminine. One woman presented an idea of sisters as archetypes. She only briefly introduced the idea, asking us whether we identified with little sister, middle sister, or elder sister. This idea has been percolating in my mind. Some brief, unscientific research on my part suggests that there is not much written about this. Here are some of my thoughts, heavily colored by my own personal experience, on the possibilities of these archetypes: Little Sister She is wild and carefree. Little sister must fight for her own separate...
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Relief Society Lesson: Women and the Priesthood

After thoroughly enjoying Caroline’s post and the comments about the ideal Relief Society , I decided as the Teaching for Our Times teacher I was going to do my part to make RS more of the ideal we’d discussed in that thread. Little did I know how soon I’d have to do that…The lesson the next week was titled, “An Outpouring of Blessings.” I think, no problem, gratitude. I can do a lesson on gratitude with my eyes closed! So, I didn’t read the lesson until Friday.This wasn’t a talk on gratitude. It was on equality in...
What is Exponent II?

Exponent II provides Mormon feminist forums for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum to share their diverse life experiences in an atmosphere of trust and acceptance. Through these exchanges, we strive to create a community to better understand and support each other.

Exponent II was founded in 1974 by a group of Mormon women in Cambridge, Massachusetts. These women were inspired by the original periodical, “The Woman’s Exponent,” to create a forum “posed on the dual platforms of Mormonism and Feminism.”

For 50+ years, Exponent II has shared women’s voices in its quarterly magazine, and members of the community have convened at an annual retreat. Our reach has expanded as technology has advanced: the blog, founded in January 2006, has reached millions. As we look to the future, we are focused on growth and building a more inclusive community.