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The Exponent II Blog features posts relating to Mormon feminism. We welcome posts by diverse voices. Submit a guest post to join the conversation.

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In her Sacrament Meeting talk, blogger April Young-Bennett taught, "It's better to believe God is good than that human church leaders are always right."
This week’s lesson is the second half of the story of Alma and Amulek in Ammonihah. Part One is Chapters 8-12. Part Two is Chapters 13-16.  It’s impossible to cover every specific bit of theology brought up in this story in one lesson plan. So we are going to focus on two main topics here.  1. Zeezrom’s Conversion 2. Thoughts on the violence
What is lost when we restrict the art and music allowed in LDS buildings and services? What is hidden when belonging comes with the price tag of assimilation? 
Blogger Abby Maxwell Hansen writes, "There are members of every community that are LGBTQ+ - some are out, and many are still closeted. I love the queer people I've been privileged to know, and putting up flags to celebrate them is a beautiful thing to me. I want my queer neighbors to feel the same acceptance from their community when they see a pride flag that my family felt from American flags during deployments."
The Church Newsroom announced yesterday that the Relief Society would lead the effort in collaboration with 8 nonprofits.
No wonder I was searching for another home, any place that wanted me. But perhaps the only place where I belong is the place I create myself.