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No wonder I was searching for another home, any place that wanted me. But perhaps the only place where I belong is the place I create myself. 
Interracial marriage arrived in the temple just six years before we were born.  
Bishop, as you started to speak, I felt my eyes open a little wider. My heart skipped a beat. My husband was out of town, and I immediately texted him and said, “Tune into the online link for sacrament meeting, the Bishop is addressing last week’s sacrament meeting debacle.”
It’s impossible to cover every specific bit of theology brought up in this story in one lesson plan. So we are going to focus on two main topics here.  Why is God so mad at the people of Ammonihah? Amulek’s conversion
This year I decided I was not going to let the Come Follow Me curriculum dictate my scripture study schedule. I decided to spend the whole year studying Mosiah. I also put together a Ladies scripture study group to study along with me. Recently my study group has been working through the teachings of Abinadi found in chapters 12-17 of Mosiah . . . As I worked on lesson plans for my study group, I discovered some really beautiful things inside of those chapters. I want to share my findings here.