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The Exponent II Blog features posts relating to Mormon feminism. We welcome posts by diverse voices. Submit a guest post to join the conversation.

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Dritvík was not a cove where only men fished. This was a place where adult women and men, and occasionally teenagers, entrusted their lives to a foreman leading small six-oar rowboats, open to the ocean, to fish in an unforgiving landscape. Navigation was difficult and accidents were many.
Last week, the first batch of hymns came out in English. Other languages will follow. Thirteen hymns were released, and the project is expected to take until 2026, when the full print and digital version will be released in English, with other languages as they're ready.
Rules about swimwear should focus on safety. They should not require a girl to sacrifice her time, comfort, or convenience to find a suit deemed “appropriate” by others. A one piece swimsuit rule is an arbitrary restriction that does nothing to protect a girl’s physical or moral safety, since the rule does not inherently teach her to make choices that respect her body and its wellbeing.
"I would argue that while Camille Johnson’s leadership and openness about her career is a good step, the shaming of working LDS women is alive and well, and it isn’t generational, and it isn’t just mothers."
Growing up, I was taught that reading the scriptures for at least 15 minutes a day, getting a patriarchal blessing, going to the temple, attending church, and doing all the callings would bring me joy. However, the opposite has been true.
Happy Memorial Day from Exponent blog! Please check out this beautiful video from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint about Jennie Taylor, the wife of the late Brent Taylor, killed in Afghanistan during a military deployment in 2018.
Guest author Candice Wendt followed up her recent post "The Insidious Exchange of Community for Covenants" with an interview on the Salt Lake Tribune's religion podcast, Mormon Land.