About the Exponent II Blog

The Exponent II blog launched in January 2006 with the hope to host discussions about important events and ideas in the world of Mormon feminism. The blog functions as a free and geographically expansive space where women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum can gather to share stories and offer support to one another in a spirit of trust. We welcome guest posts and comments, allowing readers to become authors and authors to become readers in a continuing conversation. We aim to honor all spiritual journeys, amplify marginalized voices, and advocate for equality.

Meet our Current bloggers

Abby Maxwell Hansen

86 posts
Abby has lived in Utah her entire life and is the mom of three kids. Some of her proudest moments include participating with Ordain Women, advocating for LGBTQ+ rights, founding her girl scout troop, and being vocal about women's issues in the LDS church.
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23 posts
AdelaHope used to be a little girl with a microphone, who loved her bicycle. She is now a woman with a family, a laptop, and a ukulele, who has dreams of traveling to beautiful, interesting places. She is currently living the mom-life while she works on a Master's degree in…
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34 posts
Ann has a Bachelor's Degree in Economics and recently earned a second one in Accounting. Contrary to what some people told her, she has been able to use the degrees while raising her four children.
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April Young-Bennett

448 posts
April Young-Bennett is the author of the Ask a Suffragist book series and host of the Religious Feminism Podcast. Learn more about April at aprilyoungb.com.
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21 posts
Bailey lives near the mountains and loves to spend time in nature as much as possible. She finds that being a mom of teens is delightful and so much more fun that she ever imagined.
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18 posts
Beelee is reading, writing, teaching, and playing in New England. Whether it's hiking in the mountains or snuggling up by the fire to play a board game in winter, she's happiest at home on her small hobby farm with her family.
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Callan Olive

1 posts
Callan is an adventurer, a feminist, a therapist, and a coach. She lives near Indianapolis and works with clients from all over the US. She is a single mom with 4 small children and when she's not working, she loves going on adventures with them or listening to audiobooks. Social…
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Candice Wendt

4 posts
Candice Wendt is a staff member of McGill University’s Office of Religious and Spiritual Life and a contributing editor at Wayfare. She holds a master's degree in comparative humanities studies from BYU. She is married to the psychology scholar Dennis Wendt and they are raising two strong-willed, artistic, French-speaking teens…
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289 posts
Caroline has a PhD in religion and studies Mormon women.
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38 posts
ElleK is a foodie, gardener, and writer. Women’s issues in the church are not a pebble in her shoe; they are a boulder on her chest.
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Heidi Toth

4 posts
Heidi lives, writes, runs and shovels more snow every winter than she would like in northern Arizona with her German shorthaired pointer. She studied journalism, political science and business and works in communications. She responded to the pandemic by going back to school in 2020 and earning a second bachelor's…
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Katie Ludlow Rich

72 posts
Katie Ludlow Rich is a writer and independent scholar focused on 19th and 20th-century Mormon women's history. She is the co-writer of the forthcoming book, “Fifty Years of Exponent II,” which includes an original history of the organization and a selected works from the quarterly publication and blog. Her article…
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40 posts
Kaylee only wears sensible shoes (if she has to wear shoes at all) and is passionate about pants with functional pockets (even her Sunday slacks).
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32 posts
Natasha (Lavender) is an adult literacy instructor at Project Read Utah and a library clerk. Her undergrad is in literary studies and she continues to analyze, memorize, and devour literature. She has a few short stories and essays published in various small press anthologies. And she particularly enjoys practicing her…
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Mindy May Farmer

42 posts
Mom of 4, librarian, writer, feminist, retro style enthusiast, bookworm, felter, and crocheter.
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31 posts
Mimi is a social science researcher who develops and tests interventions to support marginalized populations. She lives with her husband and three daughters in Oregon.
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Nancy Ross

76 posts
Nancy Ross is an associate professor Utah Tech University, where she has been teaching for 16 years. Her Ph D is in art history, but her current research focuses on the history and sociology of religion. She recently co-edited a book with Sara K.S. Hanks titled "Where We Must Stand:…
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Nicole Sbitani

40 posts
Nicole is an adult convert, a mixed-race woman, and a professional diplomat. She blogs at nandm.sbitani.com. The content of this post does not represent the views of the U.S. Department of State or any other U.S. Government agency, department, or entity. The thoughts and opinions expressed here are solely those…
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Ramona Morris

32 posts
Ramona is a very sassy day saint from the island of Barbados. She is currently pursuing her Bachelors degree in Marriage and Family Studies as a BYU-Idaho online student. In her free time, you can find her running away from her friends who all ask for advice and watching way…
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32 posts
Tirza lives in New England with her husband and four kids. She spends as much time as possible reading, sleeping, and playing outside.
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Meet our Emeritus bloggers

Aisling Rowan

3 posts
Aisling ("Ash") Rowan (they/them and he/him) is an autistic artist-poet and Unitarian Universalist, who is also Mormon by culture and…
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32 posts
Alisa is a professional adult educator and corporate manager who enjoys spending time with her husband and son.
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8 posts
Aly grew up in Wyoming and now lives in Washington with her husband and two daughters.
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29 posts
Amelia has recently relocated to Salt Lake City for her new job selling college textbooks (a job she loves). She's…
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23 posts
Mother, writer, dreamer, hopeless romantic, opera singer, reader, researcher, lover of Jesus, Mormon and a feminist. I spend my days…
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7 posts
Becca Ogden earned her BA, MA, and MFA in English at BYU. She lives in a little pioneer house in…
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44 posts
I am a youth services librarian. I have 2 kids. I obsess about writing and about making things.
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40 posts
Chiaroscuro is a play of light and shadow. Finding noisy messy lovely life in all the shades between.
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56 posts
Corktree is exploring life and spirituality in new ways and new environments while studying midwifery, reiki, yoga, homeopathy, herbology and…
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Course Correction

6 posts
Course Correction is a retired English teacher who reads, writes, and helps immigrant women learn English. Her favorite lost cause…
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30 posts
I'm a graduate from BYU in theatre education and history teaching, currently living in Utah and working at a library…
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34 posts
Dora is a pediatric critical care nurse. Therapy to alleviate the stress in her professional life include traveling around the…
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East River Lady

26 posts
24 years old. LDS Convert. New York Native. Mormon Feminist.
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270 posts
EmilyCC lives in Phoenix, Arizona with her spouse and three children. She currently serves as a stake Just Serve specialists,…
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154 posts
Jana is a university administrator and teaches History. Her soloblog is http://janaremy.com
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56 posts
Jenny graduated from BYU with a bachelor degree in humanities. she teaches yoga classes and spends her time hanging out…
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17 posts
Kathy is a writer living in Phoenix, AZ.
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32 posts
kendahl is a queer fat left-handed INFJ synesthete mother warrior activist social worker abuse survivor unapologetically brilliant powerful witch
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74 posts
Liz is a reader, writer, wife, mother, gardener, social worker, story collector, cookie-maker, and hug-giver.
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26 posts
LMA is PhD-holding boss lady that teaches child development to university students. She cares deeply about issues that affect women+…
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Allemande Left

21 posts
Allemande Left lives in the eastern US with her guitar-strumming husband. Allemande Left refers to the beginning steps in a…
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29 posts
Risa has a Masters and Bachelors degree in Social Work. She is a Mental Health Therapist who has worked in…
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219 posts
Spunky lives in Queensland, Australia. She loves travel and aims to visit as many church branches and wards in the…
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85 posts
Starfoxy is a fulltime caretaker for her two children.
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21 posts
I'm an artist, writer, photographer, feminist, listener, lover, and a fighter. I believe that travel is fatal to prejudice, that…
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154 posts
TopHat is putting her roots down in the Bay Area with her husband and three children. She loves the earth,…
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Submit a Guest Post to Exponent II Blog

Submit a Guest Post NEW

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We welcome all perspectives and would love to hear yours! (Submissions for the quarterly magazine are different, and those submission guidelines are here). Appropriate topics for the blog relate to feminism, the Mormon faith, or both. In addition to essay-style posts, we also seek woman-friendly church lesson plans for church and home use. You must provide your real name and email address for your blog post to be considered. Your email address will not be published and your name will be shared only if you want it to be. Please include:

  1. Your real name. You can choose not to include your real name when the post goes up, but we need your real name before we post it.
  2. Your moniker (how you wish to be identified on the public website — it could be your full name, your first name only, a pseudonym, or as “Anonymous”).
  3. A 1-2 sentence bio, telling Exponent readers a little about you. If you have your own blog or website, you are welcome to link to it.
  4. The text of your post. A typical post is about 400-1,200 words long.
  5. An image to include with the post. Please abide by copyright restrictions. A photo you have taken yourself is a good choice. Images in the public domain are also good options. Some websites that offer public domain or unrestricted images include pexels.com, metmuseum.org/en, unsplash.com, freeimages.com and Wikimedia Commons. Follow their guidelines to find images you may use.)
Your Name*
Please introduce yourself to Exponent II blog readers in 1-3 short sentences here. (800 character limit)
Please type the content of your post here.
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, png, jpeg, webp, Max. file size: 25 MB, Max. files: 5.
    All guest posts must include a related image. Please select up to five images to include with your post. Please abide by copyright restrictions and include credit for any images you download in your post. Images must be smaller than 4MB and will be resized for web.
    This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

    Comment Policy

    • No ads or plugs.
    • No four-letter words that wouldn’t be allowed on television.
    • No mudslinging: Stating disagreement is fine — even strong disagreement, but no personal attacks or name calling. No personal insults.
    • Try to stick with your personal experiences, ideas, and interpretations. This is not the place to question another’s personal righteousness, to call people to repentance, or to disrespectfully refute people’s personal religious beliefs.
    • No sockpuppetry. You may not post a variety of comments under different monikers.

    Note: Comments that include hyperlinks will be held in the moderation queue for approval (to filter out obvious spam). Comments with email addresses may also be held in the moderation queue.