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Blog Tag: Relief Society

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Exponent Holiday Gift Guide

Still wondering what to get your favorite Mormon feminist for Christmas? We're here to help. From Exponent's Own Shop  Illuminating Ladies: A Coloring Book of Mormon Women. $12.95 Molly Cannon Hadfield (illustrator) and Aimee Hickman (editor). This book boasts 25 gorgeous illustrations and full-page bios with smart, faithful words about smart, faithful women. It's genuinely perfect for Mo Fems of all ages.  Mo Fem Sticker Set of 6. $3.95 The stickers are both tender and funny, and at 3" in diameter, make the perfect stocking stuffer. My favorites are "I know Heavenly Mother loves me" and "Chieko is my patronus."  Print or Electronic Subscriptions...
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If the Savior Stood Beside Me

Most of us are probably familiar with the primary song “If the Savior Stood Beside Me.”  It asks us to consider what we might do differently if we could see the Savior standing beside us at all times.  Would we speak more kindly? Would we try harder to keep the commandments?   Would we act more like the Savior? I recently taught a lesson in Relief Society about personal revelation.  I’m a big fan of hypothetical discussions (usually of an absurd variety, though not when I’m teaching in church) and so I asked a similar question to the class.  However, I...
women hugging
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“And ye visited me”

Most women in the church have participated in the visiting teaching program. As a teacher or as a teachee, most of us have had some experiences with it. I have had seasons when i was a good visiting teacher, a bad visiting teacher, and plenty of months when i was a “deliver a treat on the last day of the month” visiting teacher. I have made some amazing friends through the program. It encourages individual service and relationships, which can be a great blessing for us and our sisters. I think visiting teaching offers us opportunities for Christlike growth by...
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In Praise of the Village that Raised Me

By SEP I am back home from BYU in between semesters, and I am feeling nostalgic. Relief Society is what really gets to me. Growing up, I never expected to like it since my mom hates it. She struggles with many aspects of the church (the patriarchy, the temple, race issues, hypocrisy from members, etc.). Fortunately for her I guess, she almost always has a calling in Primary, the nursery, or the library. With my mom holding down the fort in the library, I have been sitting by myself during Relief Society. I don't know exactly how I fit into the...
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6 Minutes of Silence in Relief Society

When I taught Relief Society last Sunday, we spent several minutes of the lesson in complete silence. I was assigned a General Conference talk to base my lesson on. I wanted each class member to have a personal experience during the lesson with the topic of knowing Christ. And since I write for my day job and I write as a hobby, and I tend to think the solution to everything is writing, that’s what we did. At a few points throughout the lesson, I invited the sisters to write silently for a certain amount of time. It yielded some useful results...
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Updated Relief Society Declaration

The lds.org website changed this last week, with an update to the Relief Society Declaration.  Obviously a lot has been cut, it’s much shorter. Let’s see the differences between the old and new versions, and what was deemed to be important enough to keep. What’s missing? For starters, the implied reference to God being more than only masculine in gender in the first line. The declaration no longer mentions charity, which pointed us towards our motto: Charity Never Faileth. Following the promptings of the Holy Ghost, directly recommending prayer and scripture study. Marriage is not mentioned in the new declaration,...
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Channeling Angelina Grimké at my LDS Ward

My local Relief Society teacher posted some pictures on the board and asked the class to contrast them: Mormon women at the Women’s Session of General Conference on one side, protestors at the Women’s March on the other who, I am sure the teacher assumed, were certainly not Mormon. The first response was exactly what I would expect from other Mormons. The women at General Conference were living models of the 13th Article of Faith: virtuous, lovely, of good report, praiseworthy.  The women at the Women's March seemed angry, so they must be bad. I didn't hear the other responses because...
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Relief Society Lesson 7: The Whisperings of the Spirit

Sister Sheri Dew, in her biography of President Gordon B Hinckley, tells of an experience he had in July 1992, while he was in Hong Kong with other Church leaders, searching for a place to build a temple. He went to bed one night feeling unsettled about the decision he needed to make. Then the whisperings of the Spirit woke him up early the next morning. “Something very interesting came to my mind,” he recorded in his journal. “I did not hear a voice with my natural ears. But into my mind there came the voice of the Spirit. It...
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Leçon de la Société de Secours 2: Une bannière pour les...

Cette leçon a été traduit et adapté par Emily Gilkey Palmer Español, English Je commencerais cette leçon de la Société de Secours avec cette citation du manuel: "Je crois et je témoigne que la mission de l’Église est d’être un étendard pour les nations et une lumière pour le monde. Un mandat nous a été confié, un mandat qui englobe tout et nous ne pouvons pas nous dérober à ce devoir. Nous acceptons ce mandat et nous sommes déterminés à nous en acquitter, et, avec l’aide de Dieu, nous le ferons." Qu'est-ce qu'une bannière/étandard? Merriam-Webster dit ": un drapeau qui est fait flotté (comme...
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Lección de la Sociedad de Socorro #2: Un estandarte a las...

Esta lección ha sido generosamente traducida por Lindsay Wilde Unsworth English, Français Yo empezaría esta lección de la Sociedad de socorro con esta cita del manual: “Creo y testifico que la misión de esta Iglesia es ser un estandarte a las naciones y una luz al mundo. Se nos ha dado un mandato grandioso e integral que no podemos rehuir ni rechazar. Aceptamos ese mandato y estamos resueltos a cumplirlo, y, con la ayuda de Dios, lo cumpliremos”2.   ¿Qué es un estandarte? El diccionario lo define como “una bandera que se iza (como una nave) como símbolo de la nacionalidad. También puede tener...
What is Exponent II?

Exponent II provides Mormon feminist forums for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum to share their diverse life experiences in an atmosphere of trust and acceptance. Through these exchanges, we strive to create a community to better understand and support each other.

Exponent II was founded in 1974 by a group of Mormon women in Cambridge, Massachusetts. These women were inspired by the original periodical, “The Woman’s Exponent,” to create a forum “posed on the dual platforms of Mormonism and Feminism.”

For 50+ years, Exponent II has shared women’s voices in its quarterly magazine, and members of the community have convened at an annual retreat. Our reach has expanded as technology has advanced: the blog, founded in January 2006, has reached millions. As we look to the future, we are focused on growth and building a more inclusive community.