
Read our series of blog posts on by Mormon feminists across the spectrum of belief


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Our Bloggers Recommend: “Sex, Demons, and Ruby Franke! Mormon Explains the...

For those following the Jodie Hildebrandt and Ruby Franke crimes, check out blogger Abby Maxwell Hansen as a guest on Therapy Today. She discusses her own views on how Mormonism intersected with Ruby's extreme parenting and Jodi's unethical therapeutic practices to create a perfect storm for abuse - and how it has implications for all members of our religious community, not just the Franke children. What are your thoughts? Is there a connection between certain church teachings and the terrible crimes these women committed?
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Sex, Porn, Men and General Authorities 

Elder Dallin H. Oaks told me that I'd “become pornography” for men if I dressed immodestly ... but then we all go to the temple for the first time and there's a completely naked lady in the movie and everybody's like, sure that's fine.
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Mental Health Professionals in Support of Natasha Helfer

The following letter was written in collaboration with over 20 people and coordinated by Lisa Butterworth, LCPC. It has now been signed by hundreds of mental health professionals. Mental Health Professionals who support Natasha Helfer Wednesday, April 14, 2021 President Stephen Daley,  As mental health professionals, we are concerned by Natasha Helfer being called into a membership council. We have an ethical obligation to draw upon both empirical research and governing standards of care as the guiding force in our practice, independent of shifts in church attitudes on these issues. We are concerned that withdrawing Natasha’s membership will create a culture of stigma...
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Young Women Lesson: How Can I Resist Pornography?

This lesson is meant to correlate with June 2021 Come Follow Me about pornography, though it can likely be adapted to other lessons. It can be tempting to cast pornography as a "male" problem within the Church. I have certainly sat through many lessons which presupposed that the only discussion would involve helping male family members repent.  This lesson is directed to young women.  Young women can struggle with viewing pornography, and may feel even more ashamed that they’re tempted by something they’re supposedly “immune” to.  Girls can struggle with compulsive masturbation.  So as you frame this lesson, keep in mind that any of...
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Las Vegas, General Conference, Sex and Murder

Why do Mormons have such an anti-porn thing going on, but no one ever talks anti-guns in general conference? Because I am kind of tired of people telling me to avoid porn at all costs, that our bodies are temples, and that sex is something sacred and reserved. Comparatively, gun ownership is overlooked as something sporty, and presumed to be used rarely (for the Harvest Holiday, I presume?) but it is not reserved, it is not for the sacred purpose of feeding you family. It’s just plain A-okay. For example: October 2017 General Conference Anti-Porn statement: I promise that as you daily immerse...
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Beginning Conversations with Children about Pornography

I didn’t think about pornography much as a teenager or young adult. It was difficult to find when I was growing up. Internet browsers weren’t around (really) when I living in my parents’ home, and I liked to keep rules…no way I was going to look at someone’s yucky magazines. I was well into my 20’s at my first exposure to pornography. The more I talk to others, the more I realize how rare that is. An innocent search of the comic book characters, X-Men, can shock a poor 10-year-old, and the misspelling of “boobs,” may be all that protects...
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Virtual Oases

"So, what have the Feminists been up to this week?" asks my husband quite regularly. Now I just show him this post and he learns for himself! The Research Information Division of LDS Church HQ conducted a survey to 1,000 randomly selected church members. The topic of the survey? "the roles, responsibilities and treatment of women in the church."  Did you get one? The release of Neylan McBaine's book, Women at Church,  and the simultaneous launch of the companion website,  has generated a buzz about the "moderate Mormon woman" in the bloggernacle and beyond. Listen to Neylan's interview, read an interview,  read the...
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Neckties: Priesthood Attire or Lucifer’s Lust Pointer?

Neckties are arrows that point to the male genitalia. Why are they considered “priesthood attire” in the LDS community? In some congregations otherwise worthy men are not allowed to participate in priesthood ordinances unless wearing a white shirt and necktie. The male missionary uniform is a white shirt and conservative necktie, symbols of orthodoxy in the LDS Church. Salt Lake Tribune columnist Robert Kirby recently noted, Neckties are so important to Mormons that it’s only a matter of time before we start seeing them airbrushed onto young men in church publications. Oh, the horror! Before such a perilous day dawns,...
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When Breasts Offend

As I watched the morning news a few days ago, I was treated to a story about national outrage over a photo of two American military officers breastfeeding their babies. Before showing the photo, the newscaster warned viewers that they may wish to overt their eyes because of the explicit nature of the photo. Here it is, and I am recklessly posting it without such a warning because I frankly find it both ridiculous and offensive to refer to images of mothers feeding their children while wearing their daily work uniforms as "explicit": Ironically, I saw that newscast from a TV on...
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Guest Post: Porn Addict’s Wife says, “Don’t call me codependent.”

by Mrs. X I am not a codependent.  What is a codependent?  It is an insulting stereotype, cleverly disguised in psychobabble, tossed at unfortunate women who find themselves married to men with addictions. The theory works something like this.  Emotionally healthy women marry emotionally healthy men and live happily ever after. Or they stay single.  They certainly don’t marry addicts.  The fact that someone ended up married to an addict, and stayed married to this problematic person even after discovering his issues, implies that this woman must have issues of her own.  We’ll name these lady issues “codependency” and assume that...
What is Exponent II?

Exponent II provides Mormon feminist forums for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum to share their diverse life experiences in an atmosphere of trust and acceptance. Through these exchanges, we strive to create a community to better understand and support each other.

Exponent II was founded in 1974 by a group of Mormon women in Cambridge, Massachusetts. These women were inspired by the original periodical, “The Woman’s Exponent,” to create a forum “posed on the dual platforms of Mormonism and Feminism.”

For 50+ years, Exponent II has shared women’s voices in its quarterly magazine, and members of the community have convened at an annual retreat. Our reach has expanded as technology has advanced: the blog, founded in January 2006, has reached millions. As we look to the future, we are focused on growth and building a more inclusive community.