
Blog Tag: ordination

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Of Breaking Bread and Breaking Hearts: It is Time for Women’s...

Jesus certainly did not leave women out. It is time for the LDS church to do what Jesus did: fully include women.
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We Love Women as Bishops! (As Long As They Aren’t LDS...

Last week a new Episcopalian bishop was ordained here in Utah, with full news coverage from various media outlets such as church-owned KSL: The Episcopal Diocese of Utah welcomes new bishop at her ordination | KSL.com I won't pretend to understand exactly how the order of things work in the Episcopalian church, but I do know this is a pretty big deal (and much higher up in the church ranking wise than a bishop in an LDS ward).  I visited a local Episcopalian church several years ago and talked to the women there about female ordination, which is something they don't take...
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Guest Post: Lighthearted Is Still Light: #ReconstructingFaith With Humor

Guest post by Eleanor Adams. Eleanor is a freelance writer, reluctant yogi, part-time van dweller, and much funnier in real life. Find her on her website, eleanorad.com. Late last year, at the breaking point of my faith journey, I decided it was high time I got ordained. It was past high time really, considering how every boy I knew had already done it at 12 years old. A girl like me, on the other hand? I was nearly 27 years old. I wasn’t ordained and had no prospects of ordination. My faith crisis was already a spiritual burden to my parents....
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Guest Post: Complicated feelings about my son receiving the priesthood

Guest Post by Ann. Ann has a Bachelor's Degree in Economics. Contrary to what some people told her, she has been able to use the degree while raising her four children.  This week our ward is hosting the annual “Temple and Priesthood Preview” for children who will turn 12 next year. My twin daughters will be 12 and so they are going. I’m still deciding if I will be going with them or if I’ll let their dad attend the meeting. I have complicated feelings about this milestone. I’m happy that this isn’t just a “Priesthood Preview.” There seems to be...
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From the Catholic Women’s Ordination Conference: Women in Ministry

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A Priesthood of Half the Believers

There are two major viewpoints in Christianity regarding priesthood. Though it's a bit more complex than this, for the sake of simplicity I'll call them the Catholic view and the Protestant view. Under the Catholic view, ordination matters. Priests are priests because they have been consecrated as priests by someone who has been consecrated by someone who has been consecrated, etc., and priests have power and authority to do things that regular people don't. Under the Protestant view, ordination isn't as big of a deal, and many Protestant sects subscribe to what is referred to as "the priesthood of all believers". This means that no human intermediary is necessary to...
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A Catholic Ordination

Last month I was invited to participate in my friend's ordination to become a Catholic priest through the Roman Catholic Womenpriests. I was asked to participate as a "member of clergy of other faiths." We were asked to wear our clergy garb, but being Mormon I don't have garb, so I wore my Beehive, Miamaid, Laurel, and YW Recognition Award Medallions and a CTR ring. One of the other priests let me borrow her stole. Red is the color for ordination and the stoles and decor were all red. The ceremony opened with a hymn called "The Summons" and is God...
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Mormon Women’s Ordination Conversation with Animation

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Priestesshood Session

While my husband was off at Priesthood Session this evening, I attended the Ordain Women Launch Event, which another attendee charmingly dubbed "Priestesshood Session."  The crowd was sparse when I arrived yet entering was difficult because of the large number of TV cameras to dodge.  I am excited to think that someday there will be archived footage of the back of my sweater blocking a camera or two as I zigzagged through the room to attend this historic event.  By the end of the speech, however, the room had filled up--with a surprisingly close ratio of male and female...
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A week and a half ago, I attended my first ordination.  It was awesome.  It was a beautiful mix of music, sermons, and the act of ordination by the Unitarian Universalist congregation itself.  I couldn’t help but feel that the young woman I knew was answering her call to ministry.  I was particularly impressed how the congregation participated in the recitation of the act of ordination as well as the ceremonial laying on of hands.  As a minister pronounced a blessing, the new minister’s family and friends came forward, followed by all the ministers present, followed by the choirs,...
What is Exponent II?

Exponent II provides Mormon feminist forums for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum to share their diverse life experiences in an atmosphere of trust and acceptance. Through these exchanges, we strive to create a community to better understand and support each other.

Exponent II was founded in 1974 by a group of Mormon women in Cambridge, Massachusetts. These women were inspired by the original periodical, “The Woman’s Exponent,” to create a forum “posed on the dual platforms of Mormonism and Feminism.”

For 50+ years, Exponent II has shared women’s voices in its quarterly magazine, and members of the community have convened at an annual retreat. Our reach has expanded as technology has advanced: the blog, founded in January 2006, has reached millions. As we look to the future, we are focused on growth and building a more inclusive community.