
A Work In Progress

A Work In Progress
In my dream…
The doors were open wide.
There were people outside eager to enter, but they held back when they saw that everyone was welcome. Everyone, even those who didn’t look like them. Even those they had rejected. They were confused, even distressed, and didn’t know what to do, where to go. They waited outside for a long time.
We entered and the building was larger inside, growing larger as more entered.
The Being greeted us.
The Being said They never used Their keys to lock the doors.
The kingdom is for everyone,
Within and without.
I looked at the Being, and was reminded of Mike Quinn years ago, when we talked of what belonging meant.
The Being beckoned to more people, and They looked like the woman in the mountain village in Guatemala, handing me her child, letting me carry her so I could know, for a moment, what it felt like to carry a baby who had no legs.
Then They held a person who was crying out in anger and pain, wondering why they had tried so hard to hide who they were, all their life – and now they see that there was always a place for them – and the Being took and held their anger and pain, and wept with them, and the Being looked like Fatimah.
The Being called out to someone outside, to someone who was hesitating because they knew the pain of being outside, and were not sure if it would hurt more, this experience of belonging. The Being reached out, smiling and speaking the name of this someone, and this someone was the most beloved, and the Being sounded like my dad.
The Being saw a woman standing alone, wondering where she could and couldn’t be, what she could and couldn’t say. The Being stood by her, asked her to speak, and listened so completely, so unconditionally – and all the wisdom and revelations and divinely human experience flowed from this woman. We stood in awe, receiving knowledge from her that had the power to save, standing next to the Being who looked like Lavina.
And the inside grew as more were drawn to the place where all, all belong, until there was no other place.
There is no place for others.
There is only one great whole.
We are all anointed by the blood that flows through all of us…
by the tears that fall from all of us.
We all belong.

7 Responses

  1. Beautifully captured. A true picture of what Christ intended. It is time to open our doors to everyone.

  2. I loved this and all the references. Some questions: Do you think Hitler and unrepentant child molesters and sadists, etc. are invited to enter? Are there no behavioral standards? What was earth life for? No Test? I agree that the standards around which people will be admitted will be based on their hearts and not the outward show we so often hear about. And the most humble and meek, and those who feel unworthy, will be glorified there. But some don’t feel unworthy notwithstanding their outright evil heart. What happens to them?

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