Hometemporal self-reliance

Blog Tag: temporal self-reliance

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Relief Society Lesson 21: Principles of Temporal and Spiritual Welfare

Traducción española/Click for Spanish Translation Money is a stressful topic for any individual, couple, group or organization to discuss. Keep in mind that there may be members in your congregation who are reliant on government support, church support, are financially supporting adult children and grandchildren or are dealing with financial issues which you are not aware. Be sensitive to the spirit as to not disengage anyone based on whatever their financial needs and situation at the moment might be. Invite everyone to resist judgment in the lesson, and focus on ways in which this lesson is designed to...
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Money and Power Within the Walls of the Church

Very early in the Book of Mormon, the Great and Abominable Church is described in 1 Nephi 13; it is described in many ways, but specific to fiscal wealth as a church that positions money, the power of money and those beholden to financial overlords as “captive.” Though temporal self-reliance and independence is an important concept in Mormon culture and doctrine, I can't help but wonder why this is so grossly different to the way the church structures its finances for women. The historiography of the church suggests that the church does not see fit to have women handle money on...
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The “Measure of our Creation”

Today is the end of my seventh week in a 24-week programming bootcamp. Three months ago, I was only non-chalantly  applying for it, after having applied to another and had not gotten in. It wasn't originally in my plans to do this now- next year at the earliest, but when opportunities come, I try to take them and not think to much about it. So far that philosophy has worked out. I had been a stay-at-home-mom for 6 years. We homeschool. It has been a huge lifestyle change, and it's unlikely to go back to how it was if I...
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Comfort Box: The 72 Hour Kit that will save you from...

  Am I prepared? Anytime I am watching a zombie apocalypse roll forth on television I question if my emergency preparedness supplies are sufficient. Would I survive or become a zombie? The ward emergency preparedness guy hides from me the week after an especially violent episode of The Walking Dead. To be fair, he has already helpfully referred me to the CDC guide to surviving zombies. I don't have any life experience in surviving disasters of the natural or zombie variety, but another kind of disaster rolls through my life routinely. Emotional earthquakes, fire, tsunami, tornado, or sometimes (on a slow news day) a muddy...
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Young Women Lesson Plan: What does it mean to be self-reliant?

I really enjoyed thinking about this lesson because it is so empowering to women, especially to young woman. The September 2013 Visiting Teaching message was on self-reliance, and might be good for teachers to review before delving into the lesson material for Young Women. As well, it is a great way to take stock of oneself and see if we, as teachers, are as self-reliant as we could be to set a proper example for the Young Women. The online resource has a number of conference talks and references that I did not take the time to review before...
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September 2013 Visiting Teaching Message: Self-Reliance

As a rule, I do not feel like I fit well in Relief Society. I’ve mentioned this feeling previously on the blog. But this past year, have been making a good-faith effort this past year in trying to somehow assimilate into the ward wherein I reside. It has not been comfortable for me.  The most common and prevalent conservatively-styled interpretations of lessons frustrate my heart, mock my life and scald my testimony. Nonetheless, I actually began look forward to fast Sundays. The stake I am in assigned the Relief Societies to teach a chapter from Daughters in My Kingdom for the first...
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August 2013 Visiting Teaching Message: Welfare

“Is that puppy going to be okay?” I asked. A dog, undoubtedly not a puppy, had just been carried out of the examination room at the veterinary surgery. He was curled up on a blanket being carried on either side by two young adults, making it look like he was almost in a hammock. An older woman, who I presumed to be the mother of the young adults, came to the front desk where I was checking in my own pup in for a routine visit. She didn’t mean to cut in front of me, and I did not care that...
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Meaningful Work

When I started as a perma here a few months ago I told a friend about it, and his first response was, "I bet that pays you well."  This is someone I like and respect a lot, and at the time I took it as light-hearted sarcasm and laughed along with him.  But later I thought, was that disrespectful?  Should I have felt insulted?  I am not upset with this person, but in retrospect his quip has made me think about work.  Both my intuition and Malcolm Gladwell have told me that happiness is connected to having meaningful work. ...
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Guest Post: What You Missed At Enrichment — Emergency Preparedness Edition

by Libby (On a three-child-induced career sabbatical, Libby spends her time sewing lavish Halloween costumes, reading, and volunteering on the board of her daughter's cooperative preschool. She lives near Boston.) - Question: Does new three-month food storage plan count toward former one-year plan? Can foods overlap? - Discussion of which legal documents are necessary to copy and why, followed by discussion of scenarios in which said documents would be needed, devolving into discussion of worst-case scenarios involving home insurance, bank access, ability to transport children across state lines, ability to prove that self actually exists - Iteration of Belmont, MA, disaster "risk factors,"...
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June 2012 Visiting Teaching Message: Visiting Teaching—a Sacred Assignment

There is conflict in this month's message. It is subtle, but I think it important to address. The message starts with a quote from former Relief Society General President Julie Beck in regard to the needs of a bishop to have visiting teachers to help him to communicate the needs of members. (The quote is taken from this talk). It then bleeds into a directional issue: Inspiration begins as members of the Relief Society presidency prayerfully discuss the needs of individuals and families. Then, with the bishop’s approval, the Relief Society presidency gives the assignment in a way that helps sisters understand...
What is Exponent II?

Exponent II provides Mormon feminist forums for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum to share their diverse life experiences in an atmosphere of trust and acceptance. Through these exchanges, we strive to create a community to better understand and support each other.

Exponent II was founded in 1974 by a group of Mormon women in Cambridge, Massachusetts. These women were inspired by the original periodical, “The Woman’s Exponent,” to create a forum “posed on the dual platforms of Mormonism and Feminism.”

For 50+ years, Exponent II has shared women’s voices in its quarterly magazine, and members of the community have convened at an annual retreat. Our reach has expanded as technology has advanced: the blog, founded in January 2006, has reached millions. As we look to the future, we are focused on growth and building a more inclusive community.