Hometemple recommend

Blog Tag: temple recommend

Georgia O’Keeffe—Hands and Thimble
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Would the LDS church allow 15,000+ rebuttals to a statement by...

Sustaining a male General Authority is mandatory in our church; sustaining a woman leader is more of a grey area.
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Guest Post: Putting Down the Armor of God

There is a bag in my closet. A burgundy bag with a hanging clip and cross body straps. Inside is a neatly folded white outfit that fit me a lifetime of faith ago. The knee high stockings neatly tucked in the shoes that have only ever been used on sacred floors. The lacy white top with long sleeves and a solid back layer. The white skirt that is long enough for me to trip over. Ceremonial clothing that made conversations from my various classes at BYU suddenly make more sense.
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Guest Post: Luke Skywalkers

Guest Post by Anonymous.  Many of society’s complex problems can be simplified with math. Criminal justice, for example, is essentially a problem of false positives and false negatives. In an ideal world, the criminal justice system would label each defendant’s guilt correctly: always imprison the guilty and never imprison the innocent. But in the real world, two types of errors will inevitably occur: false negatives, in which one fails to identify someone as a legitimate risk, and false positives, in which one incorrectly labels someone as a risk. Richard Berk, a professor of criminology and statistics at the University of Pennsylvania, has...
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The Mountain of the Lord’s House

This past weekend was General Conference. One thing at conference that made me happy was something President Nelson said in his talk in the Sunday morning session. He specifically invited single people to receive their endowment, and he didn't connect it to missionary service. This is a welcome change from past practice. I'll be dating myself with this, but back in my day, the age for women to serve missions was 21. The general practice at the time was that the endowment was reserved for prospective missionaries, people preparing for sealing, and people who were so old that there was...
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Guest Post: That Which is Beautiful and Sacred #CopingWithCOVID19

By Anonymous Before COVID-19, I was becoming increasingly uncomfortable watching 11-year-olds pass the sacrament knowing that I could not. Every Sunday this wound grew bigger and bigger. And then the world shut down. My ministering brother is a member of the patriarchy. I mean the most patriarchal of the patriarchy, and I love him. He offered me the sacrament the first Sunday off of church. Sometimes I am not the most kind when setting boundaries. I panicked. How could I say that I wanted a break from the sacrament kindly? I lied instead. I told him I was out of town....
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What Church Leaders Don’t Understand About the Power Dynamics in Worthiness...

Several years ago, I wrote a post on my personal blog that I thought was completely benign, but someone in my ward sent it to the bishop. That Sunday I had a temple recommend interview scheduled with a bishopric counselor, but when he pulled me out of Sunday School, he said I’d be seeing the bishop instead. When I entered his office, the bishop told me someone had sent him my blog post. He said he’d read it in depth multiple times. He asked me probing questions about my personal beliefs, then soliloquized at length about his own (completely...
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#hearLDSwomen: “We don’t need you.”

  By Lynne “I’d like to know why you don’t have a current temple recommend.” I sat across from my bishop, stunned. This is not how I envisioned this meeting. As one of the few visible musicians in the ward, I was certain that I was going to be called to replace the ward choir director. I had already mentally rehearsed my speech about how I did music for a living six days a week, and how my current work situation wasn’t going to allow for me to take on another huge project. I was sure he would say ok, and I...
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Guest Post: Temple Recommend

By Anonymous My grandfather was a very bad man. Have you seen the movie Spotlight, about Catholic priests who were sexually abusing children back in the 1970s? He was the Mormon version of that, sexually abusing more children than you would believe. I will spare you the details. I refer to him as my grandfather now, because he is not the person I knew, my grandpa. You see, my grandpa was wonderful and kind and loving and fun. He was a WWII vet and dedicated to his family. I spent endless hours with my grandpa because we lived just three houses...
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An Announcement from April Young Bennett

As a condition of renewing my temple recommend, my new stake president has required me to resign from the board of Ordain Women and, with the exception of my Ordain Women profile, take down posts I have written that raise the question of women’s ordination to the priesthood. I do not believe that temple recommends should be used as leverage to censor ideas or silence advocacy, but if I hadn't complied, I would have missed my brother's recent temple wedding. Choosing between following the dictates of my conscience and being present for a family wedding has been heartbreaking. In...
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Introducing Informed Consent to Bishop’s Interviews

Ethically sound research interviews must have informed consent, maintain confidentiality and undergo an Internal Review Board process to verify that psychological, social and other risks to participants are limited. Research interviews and ecclesiastical interviews differ in purpose, but with some adaptation, many of the ethical guidelines used by researchers could be applied to ecclesiastical interviews performed by local LDS church leaders. Such safeguards could help ensure that our ecclesiastical rituals do not have any unintended, harmful side effects. The basic elements of the informed consent process include: full disclosure of the nature of the and the participant's involvement, adequate comprehension on the...
What is Exponent II?

Exponent II provides Mormon feminist forums for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum to share their diverse life experiences in an atmosphere of trust and acceptance. Through these exchanges, we strive to create a community to better understand and support each other.

Exponent II was founded in 1974 by a group of Mormon women in Cambridge, Massachusetts. These women were inspired by the original periodical, “The Woman’s Exponent,” to create a forum “posed on the dual platforms of Mormonism and Feminism.”

For 50+ years, Exponent II has shared women’s voices in its quarterly magazine, and members of the community have convened at an annual retreat. Our reach has expanded as technology has advanced: the blog, founded in January 2006, has reached millions. As we look to the future, we are focused on growth and building a more inclusive community.