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Blog Tag: Relief Society

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September 2011 Visiting Teaching Message: Strengthening Families by Increasing Spirituality

The “F” word. Few words cause as much passion, angst, anger, joy or otherwise. Yet in the church, we proclaim the “F” word almost constantly as a part of doctrine. It is a loaded gun for good and for bad. It is something we all talk about, we all want and at some time, we all do.  Yes, I am talking about.... Family. Family is a rubbery term at best; even within the church, the definition of family comes in varied terms of a mortal family, an eternal family, a heavenly family, a ward family (wherein the bishop is...
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Review: Daughters in my Kingdom

The Church has put out a new book titled "Daughters in My Kingdom: The history and work of the Relief Society." I got my hands on a copy of it yesterday (being married to the ward clerk helps) and got a chance to look it over pretty well this afternoon. The description from the news release : The 208-page book is organized by themes such as family, sisterhood and charity. Each chapter includes stories of Latter-day Saint women throughout history and around the world today. President Beck said the book is designed to be user-friendly for readers with varying literacy...
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Guiding Class Discussion

When my husband and I were newlyweds, our bishop invited us to attend a 12-week marriage and family Sunday School course.  On the first day, the couple teaching the class made a speech about how “liberal” comments about “adapting roles” would “detract from the Spirit” so such comments were explicitly forbidden. However, class members were more than welcome to make comments that were even more conservative than the text. Looking back, those torturous twelve weeks of instruction on the glories of 1950s social culture did not harm our marriage.  In fact, I would say that our commitment to our own...
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August 2011 Visiting Teaching Message: A Society of Holy Women

Okay. Confession time. I don’t like Relief Society. There. I’ve said it. I wish I did like it. I love what I imagine it could be: automatic friendship, belonging, respect... yet, I feel utterly isolated at nearly every Relief Society lesson or activity I attend. This isn't necessarily the fault of the society; When I was a YSA, I chose to attend church for edification, rather than the oft-implied purpose of just to find a date/future mate, so attended a family ward rather than a singles ward. I tired of the Relief Society president sweetly yet coolly asking me to...
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Words of Wisdom Quote Book- Now Available!

Those of us at LDS WAVE have been working hard on a quote book for LDS women. It started as a Call to Action, in which we requested "favorite quotes from men and women about gender equality, female and male roles, divine roles, Heavenly Parents, parenthood, etc. OR your favorite quotes by women on any gospel topic." Over the past months, creating this booklet has been a huge labor of love, particularly for Susan, and we're thrilled to announce our booklet is finally finished (just in time for Mother's Day). The booklet contains 153 quotes with a wide variety of...
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Gospel Principles 34: Developing Our Talents

Guest Post by Aimee Hickman While preparing and teaching this lesson I would suggest doing whatever you can to keep the discussion from revolving around a notion of “talents” befitting a talent show. As a teacher, I would make this explicit at the start of the class, by creating a working definition of the word "talent" which does not necessarily denote a skill (musical, artistic or otherwise) generally thought of as something to entertain others. As this topic has the potential to help us truly “evaluate ourselves to find our strengths and abilities,” as the manual states, keeping the discussion...
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April 2011 Visiting Teaching Message: The Purpose of Relief Society

Don’t let the title fool you. This really is an excellent message. The problem with it is that it could go in so many directions. So, in the interest of time, I just picked out my personal favourite bits. Please feel free to share other points that catch your attention! Most clear to me was that this message seems to be NOT for the sisters (teachees), but instruction specifically for the visiting teacher. Consider the discussion questions at the end of the message: 1. What inspiration have I received to help my sisters increase in faith and personal righteousness and strengthen their families and...
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Musings on Women, Priesthood and Social Darwinism

  Sexual separation is often a characteristic of dominant societies. The military, administrative and travelling imperatives of imperialism dictated it and, no less than Sparta or among the Zulu, the training and socialization of the young became increasingly directed towards this end. Public schools, youth organisations, juvenile literature, the club and the army mess were all expressions of it, as were strictly segregated working men's clubs and school staff rooms. In the extending and building of country houses and public buildings of this period,  the provision of the male sanctum became an architectural necessity. -John M. Mackenzie, Manliness and Morality, Middle-class...
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February 2011 Visiting Teaching Message: A Restoration of All Things

Note: I found little in this that inspired me in regard to the history of women. However, after some patience and work, I found a practical application that I could feel confident in sharing. In recognition that this message was difficult for me, feel free to generously share your own thoughts about the message and this post. The February Visiting Teaching message is by Silvia Allred, first counselor in the General Relief Society Presidency. When I first read it, it reminded me of two of her recent talks, Every Woman Needs Relief Society and Steadfast and Immovable. I personally did...
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Gospel Principles 28: Service

Is any topic more connected to the core of Christianity?  Think of the John 1:27: “Pure religion…is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.” This lesson has 5 sections with a key thought question beneath each. How we can serve? Think about ways people have served you and your family members. Why the Savior wants us to serve others Why does the Lord want us to serve others? We receive blessings through service What blessings do we receive through service to others? Opportunities to serve  How can we give enough time to...
What is Exponent II?

Exponent II provides Mormon feminist forums for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum to share their diverse life experiences in an atmosphere of trust and acceptance. Through these exchanges, we strive to create a community to better understand and support each other.

Exponent II was founded in 1974 by a group of Mormon women in Cambridge, Massachusetts. These women were inspired by the original periodical, “The Woman’s Exponent,” to create a forum “posed on the dual platforms of Mormonism and Feminism.”

For 50+ years, Exponent II has shared women’s voices in its quarterly magazine, and members of the community have convened at an annual retreat. Our reach has expanded as technology has advanced: the blog, founded in January 2006, has reached millions. As we look to the future, we are focused on growth and building a more inclusive community.