
Blog Tag: Primary

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Exponent Holiday Gift Guide

Still wondering what to get your favorite Mormon feminist for Christmas? We're here to help. From Exponent's Own Shop  Illuminating Ladies: A Coloring Book of Mormon Women. $12.95 Molly Cannon Hadfield (illustrator) and Aimee Hickman (editor). This book boasts 25 gorgeous illustrations and full-page bios with smart, faithful words about smart, faithful women. It's genuinely perfect for Mo Fems of all ages.  Mo Fem Sticker Set of 6. $3.95 The stickers are both tender and funny, and at 3" in diameter, make the perfect stocking stuffer. My favorites are "I know Heavenly Mother loves me" and "Chieko is my patronus."  Print or Electronic Subscriptions...
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Like Magic

I have held several callings: Nursery teacher, Primary Presidency member, and Primary chorister—in which I was responsible for conducting singing time with the toddlers in the Nursery. As far as tasks go, this is a pretty nice one. Singing songs with babies is quite fun. Even so, it has its challenges. Nursery kids love movement songs like “Do as I’m Doing” and “The Wise Man and the Foolish Man” but songs that are more reverent in style can be a tougher sell. Anything longer than “Jesus Said Love Everyone” and “Kindness Begins with Me” might outlast their attention spans. At home,...
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Guest Post: Esther — A Scripture Hero for Primary Kids

by Joni Recently, my ward’s Primary presidency asked me to portray an Old Testament character as part of their monthly ‘Scripture Heroes’ program in Sharing Time. The Primary kids love seeing members of the ward dressed up in costume (usually a bathrobe and a fake beard!) and it really teaches the scriptures in a memorable way. I was incredibly honored to be asked to participate; I was given the choice between Naomi and Esther, and chose the latter because the costume possibilities were greater. Researching this project was really interesting and a lot of fun. I went into theology, politics, and...
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Book Review: Baptism & Boomerangs

Oh, Baptism & Boomerangs is just so sweet, and colorful, and made me cry the good kind of tears. I hope each of you can read it, too. For now, I will just tell you this: It is about little girl named Amara, who just arrived in Sidney, Australia, with her mom, dad, and brother Jack, to celebrate her eighth birthday with her grandparents and delicious baptism cake(!), and of course, to get baptized. But there is a small, but significant, problem. Amara is excited to get baptized, but is also nervous. And what's more, she is nervous to say that she's nervous. Thankfully, her...
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“Home Church”

I’ve lived rurally before. And I will probably live rurally again. But right now, this rural is different. The last ward I attended, it took an hour and 45 minutes to get to the building. But we still went for a time, as I wrote about in the May visiting teaching post here. Now we are a good two hour drive from the nearest fellow church members’ house, where there is no building, no relief society president, no primary.   I have not yet met the fellow members of the branch we are in; the District President (the presiding church officer...
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Series: #visiblewomen: You Can’t Be What You Can’t See: Primary Pictures

I teach Primary Sharing Time.  I love it. I love the teaching, the stories, the kids, and the fun.  When we talk about Jesus, I tell the children the stories of His life and the men and women He lived and worked with.  When we talk about the courage to do what is right, I read from "Girls Who Choose God".  When we talk about faith, I tell them of both Nephi and Abigal. I tell them stories from my own life and any stories of President Wixom that I can find. I use pictures a lot.  Aside from the pictures I...
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#VisibleWomen Series: Please consider Relief Society, Young Women, and Primary Stake...

Here is the letter I'm sending to general and auxiliary authorities, and (slightly revised) to my local leaders:   Dear Leader, I've been a Relief Society member for almost 20 years.  During that time I got married, became a mother, graduated from two universities, began working in my profession, and held several callings in Relief Society, always including that of Visiting Teacher.  I've taught and been taught by my fellow sisters and received support in life transitions, and have appreciated the company of my peers and the wisdom of women farther along in life than I am. I have learned something from each...
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Fun Ways to Practice that Primary Song Again and Again and...

Repetition Activities Children (and adults) learn songs by repetition, but simply singing the same song over and over is boring. Here are some more interesting activities to help children learn or memorize a song. All these activities require singing or listening to the same song several times. Obey the Signs Stop/Go: Sing when “go” is up. Listen to the piano when “stop” is up. Hum/Sing: Hum when “hum” is up. Sing when “sing” is up. Soft/Loud: Sing softly when “soft” is up. Sing loudly when “loud” is up. Warning: Prior to doing this one, explain that “loud” means singing with lots of volume but...
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Christmas Series: Primary Nativity Program

  If your ward is anything like mine, the Nativity program put on by the children of the Primary at the annual Ward Christmas Party is a highlight of the season!  Some years, the script seems like it might have been lifted from "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever," others you may notice the absence of spoken lines for the beloved female characters. Let's call this an "equitable" Nativity script, then. With spoken lines for Mary, Elisabeth and Anna (in addition to the lines of a second angel and shepherd which may be cast as either gender), this Nativity script offers equal...
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September 2014 General Women’s Meeting – Jean A. Stevens

It seems that the theme for this women's meeting is covenants and the temple. Sister Jean A. Stevens, first counselor in the Primary Presidency focused on the covenants, starting with the baptismal covenant and leading up to the temple. She used her own mother as the central example saying she had a "remarkable connection to heaven" and later used quotes from many women of differing ages and their examples of looking to the temple. I loved that she used regular Church members and especially women as examples and multiple times emphasized that we all have different paths. We have...
What is Exponent II?

Exponent II provides Mormon feminist forums for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum to share their diverse life experiences in an atmosphere of trust and acceptance. Through these exchanges, we strive to create a community to better understand and support each other.

Exponent II was founded in 1974 by a group of Mormon women in Cambridge, Massachusetts. These women were inspired by the original periodical, “The Woman’s Exponent,” to create a forum “posed on the dual platforms of Mormonism and Feminism.”

For 50+ years, Exponent II has shared women’s voices in its quarterly magazine, and members of the community have convened at an annual retreat. Our reach has expanded as technology has advanced: the blog, founded in January 2006, has reached millions. As we look to the future, we are focused on growth and building a more inclusive community.