
Blog Tag: Jesus

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Sacred Music Sunday: One of Us

This month I decided to do something different. Instead of choosing a hymn, I went with a popular song with a religious message. One of Us performed by Joan Osborne was released when I was a teenager, and it was an instant hit. The song invites us to ask how we would act if God were one of us. The beautiful thing we learn from the scriptures is that God became one of us. When the birth of Jesus was prophesied in the New Testament, we're told that one of His names was Emmanuel, which means God With Us. In...
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Sacred Music Sunday: Come, Ye Children of the Lord

I've always loved the hymn Come, Ye Children of the Lord. It brings to mind the joy that will fill the earth when Jesus returns. No more sorrow, no more sin, no more death. In the Lord's Prayer, one of the things Jesus taught us to pray is "Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." But rather than waiting for some time in the future when Jesus fixes our messes, I want to get a head start. What can we, as individuals, do to make earth a little more heavenly right now? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6RR9C32Ncg
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Guest Post: I Think Jesus Would Be Angry

by Cassidy Steele-Stewart I think Jesus would be angry I think Jesus would be angry or saddened or both if he watched the news right now I think Jesus would be angry like he was in the temple when he drove out the rich to make room for the poor I think Jesus would be saddened like he was at the leaders who said laws were more important than love I think Jesus would be angry as he said suffer the children not let children suffer (in cages) I think Jesus would be saddened to know that do unto others has turned to hit first and hit hard I think Jesus would be angry or saddened or both if he watched the news right now Cassidy is a...
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Sacred Music Sunday: Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus

When I joined the church in 1994, there was a millennial fervor. Jesus was coming again, and though we didn't know when, it was generally believed that it would be soon. It was an exciting time. The second coming had been prophesied for nearly two thousand years, and my generation was supposed to be the one to usher in the return of Jesus. Then the year 2000 came and went with no fanfare, and a lot of the talk died down. There were a few local non-LDS churches in my area who would come up with predictions on specific dates...
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Take, Eat

Due to travel, stake conference, illness, and general conference, there was about a four week period in September/October where I didn't take the sacrament. I found that I missed it greatly. I'm not really much for ritual, but there is something holy about meeting together with fellow saints to remember what Jesus did for us. I also appreciate that it's something that unites Christians across churches and denominations - it's something that nearly all of us do in some form or another. While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and after giving thanks he broke it, gave it to...
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Come Follow Me: John 7–10 “I Am the Good Shepherd”

  Good Shepherd, Lamb of God by Elder Gong I. INTRODUCTION Today we’re going to focus on one particular title or metaphor for Jesus: What are some names of Jesus? (Alpha and Omega. Lamb of God. Emmanuel. Bread of Life. Prince of Peace. Redeemer. Good Shepherd, Christ, Lord, Master, Logos (Word), Son of God, Son of Man, Son of David, New Adam, Light of the World, King of the Jews, Rabbi, Savior, etc.) We all relate to Jesus differently, and different titles are going to appeal more to different people. Which are your favorite and why? Today we'll be focusing on one of those names...
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Sacred Music Sunday: Come, We That Love the Lord

Come, We That Love the Lord is a short hymn by Isaac Watts. I rarely hear it sung in LDS services, but it's lovely and I wish we would sing it more often. The first time I remember hearing it was about six years ago. I was a brand new volunteer LDS chaplain at San Quentin Prison. It was my first week flying solo. We held services on Sunday evenings. Since the prison was an environment where the inmates had very little autonomy, I made it a point to give them as much freedom as possible at church. That included...
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Sacred Music Sunday: Cast Thy Burden upon the Lord

When I was in college, I would often take time to go into the gardens behind the chapel. There was a statue of Jesus with open arms in the center of the garden. Inscribed on one side was "Venite ad me", the beginning of Matthew 11:28 in Latin. In times of trouble, I would remember Jesus issuing the invitation to come to Him when I was weary and burdened so He could give me rest. Sometimes I have a hard time casting my burden on the Lord. I can drop my troubles at His feet just fine, but I have...
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Sacred Music Sunday: (Give Me That) Old Time Religion

When I joined the church in 1994, it was in many ways a very different church than I find myself in now. We talked about how the Book of Mormon was written for our day and was a warning to us against pride. We prepared for the second coming of Jesus, under the assumption that even if He isn't coming imminently, we'll still all meet Him when we die, so we should be prepared. The temple was preached about as a place where we can offer the saving ordinance of baptism to all who have lived. We prepared to...
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The One Commandment

The Ten Commandments are taught at a young age as a way to live rightly. They've even gone beyond the religious sphere and into popular culture such that just uttering the words "thou shalt not..." and then finishing the phrase with any set of instructions can give either a serious or humorous level of extra gravity to the instructions. We love our rules and we love to hate our rules, and we have a lot of them. When I was in seminary, I remember that my teacher said that there were over 600 commandments listed in the Old Testament. This...
What is Exponent II?

Exponent II provides Mormon feminist forums for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum to share their diverse life experiences in an atmosphere of trust and acceptance. Through these exchanges, we strive to create a community to better understand and support each other.

Exponent II was founded in 1974 by a group of Mormon women in Cambridge, Massachusetts. These women were inspired by the original periodical, “The Woman’s Exponent,” to create a forum “posed on the dual platforms of Mormonism and Feminism.”

For 50+ years, Exponent II has shared women’s voices in its quarterly magazine, and members of the community have convened at an annual retreat. Our reach has expanded as technology has advanced: the blog, founded in January 2006, has reached millions. As we look to the future, we are focused on growth and building a more inclusive community.